This MSNBC article mentions that the Guantanamo Bay base has been leased
from Cuba since 1903. What they conveniently left out was that the original terms
of this so called "lease" were dictated by the U.S who militarily occupied Cuba, to
a puppet Cuban government that was entirely under U.S control.
Since 1959, the Cubans have demanded an end to this so called lease and closure
of the base and have refused to cash the token lease payments from the U.S.  The U.S is illegally occupying Cuban territory, against the will of the Cuban people and
only does so because it has the military might and force of arms to do so. Shame!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 1:08 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Al-Qaida prisoners headed to Guantanamo

-Al-Qaida prisoners headed to Cuba: Holding facility being prepared at
Guantanamo Navy base

— Preparations are under way at the U.S. Naval Station at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, to establish a maximum-security facility where U.S.
authorities can hold captured al-Qaida and Taliban fighters, NBC News
has learned.

        U.S. DEFENSE OFFICIALS say the preparations will not be complete
until about mid-January, and officials expect those detainees in which
the United States is most interested to be brought to the Navy base.

       Now, the detainees are being held on board the USS Pelelieu in
the Arabian Sea and at the U.S. Marine base at Kandahar International
Airport in Afghanistan.

       The Guantanamo base is not accessible without permission from
the U.S. military, so it makes a good location outside the United
States to hold prisoners, officials said. In the past, both Haitian
and Cuban refugees have been held in camps there.

       Because it is so inaccessible and because it is a secure
facility outside the United States, any military tribunals could also
be held there.

   So far, though, there have been no announcements about trying
specific individuals by tribunal.

       The base at Guantanamo Bay, on Cuba's southeast coast, dates to
the Spanish-American War of 1898. U.S. forces occupied the area during
the war and, in 1903, entered into a lease agreement with Cuba for the

       U.S. officials on Wednesday were awaiting the imminent transfer
of about 100 suspected bin Laden loyalists from Pakistan to the
makeshift prison at the Kandahar airport. In advance of their arrival,
U.S. officials indicated they were hopeful that the al-Qaida cadre
would provide an "intelligence bonanza" that, among other things,
could provide them with new leads as to the whereabouts of bin Laden.

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