In a message dated 10/4/02 1:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:FW: Anti-terrorist team raids Warrior Society!!!
Date:10/4/02 1:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet

to unsubscribe:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=PleaseStopMailingMe
please forward this message to any interested people
if you know of someone else who would be interested in receiving news and updates on Native/indigenous resistance in "Western Canada" and throughout Turtle Island, please forward me their email address

i just got this email after sending out the last email and thought people should read this because it goes into more detail about the raid by INSET, the RCMP and others.  this is really serious shit that's going down and is reflective of what's happening all over North Amerikkka in the post Sept 11th world.  In August, animal rights activist, David Barbarash, had his house in Courtenay, Vancouver Island raided and trashed by INSET, the RCMP and other agencies.  For the kkkanadian and u$ governments, resistance=terrorism.  We have to support our sisters and brothers who are being targetted, harrassed and persecuted.

>From: "James Ward"

>Hey Eveyone,
>I am writing to inform you of a very serious recent event.
>After a summer of intelligence probes from CSIS (Canadian Security
>Intelligence Service, Canada's spy agency), the Soliciter General's
>Office and possibly British Columbia's RCMP AEU (Aboriginal
>Extremist Unit) the Canadian government has decided to label and
>attack Indigenous resistence as Terrorism.
>Last week Canada's INSET (Intergrated National Security Enforcement
>Team, the new Anti-terrorist team created after Sept 11th to hunt
>down and destroy terrorists) raided one of the West Coast Warrior's
>homes. The conducted a forced entry raid using the RCMP ERT
>(Emergency Response Team, similiar to American SWAT Teams). They
>conducted a 3 hour search on the premises and didnt find anything.
>It was a misguided and failed operation.
>Later that day more individuals associated with the warrior society
>were questioned.
>By evening, INSET approached another West Coast Warriors and
>aggressively questioned him at his residence creating and provoking
>a potentially explosive situation.
>The following morning, INSET tracked down and questioned another
>member of the West Coast Warriors and questioned him.
>During all of the questioning there was continuing use of
>intimidation tactics with indirect threat to the Warrior's children
>and spouces.
>One of the INSET officers made sure that the Warriors were aware of
>there ever present surviellance by telling him....we know all your
>guys, were everyone lives, what vehicle each one of you drives and
>we are watching you all the time...
>All indigenous people should be very concerned about this tactic of
>the Canadian state targeting and labelling Indigenous resistence as
>terrorism. It is important to understand that Warrior Societies have
>never conducted a terrorist act. When have you heard of a Warrior
>Society that has hijacked a plane, a bus or a train? Warrior
>Societies haven't blown up state institutions, military complexes,
>children's schools, or shopping malls. Warrior Societies have not
>attempted to assassinate key political figures or judges or used
>sniper attacks on any civillians. Warrior Societies have not
>kidnapped anyone or taken anyone hostage. Warrior Societies have not
>targeted non-combatants for any kind of terrorist activity and the
>targeting of non-combatants is the key to defining terroist action.
>So why has the Canadian governemnt labelled Indigenous Warrior
>Socities as terrorist?
>Despite all the government and media hype terrorism does not mean
>that you, as a non nation-state, are simply an "enemy of the state"
>as the Canadian government would have you believe(under the new
>Anti-terrorist legislation that basically means you have a different
>political agenda than the government). The definition of terrorism
>is far more specific than that. Terrortism is a military strategy
>with specific tactics. Terrorism targets non-combatants for
>extremely violent or contreversial military type action to
>"terrorize" the population so it becomes alienated from government
>control. The more shocking the military action the more media
>covergae the terrorsit will recieve. Media becomes an invaluable
>tool of the terrorist to broadcast the terrorist action to a wider
>audience and terrorize more people into doing what the terrorist
>Clearly Indigenous Warriors are NOT terrorist. Terrorism is not the
>strategy of any Warrior Society nor do they employ any type of
>terrorist tactics. The Canadian governments targeting of Indigenous
>Warrior Societies as terrorist is a horrific abuse of the
>Anti-terrorist legislation.
>This tactic of abusing legislation as a means of targeting
>Indigenous Warrior Societies should come as no surprise though. As
>soon as the Anti-gang laws were passed after the public outcry for a
>crackdown on the Motorcycle gang wars in Montreal Warriors Societies
>were targeted. In one incident over 30 Manitoba Warriors were
>arrested in a large comlex raid by the RCMP. They were the first
>group to be charged with the new Anti-gang law. Hells Angels and
>Rock Machine motorcycle gangs were supposed to be the targets of
>this wide spread public call for the use of the new laws but the
>government was very selctive and abused the new laws by targeting
>the Warriors. The "criminalization" of Warriors and Warrior
>Societies became the prime tactic in suppressing any Inidgenous
>struggle for freedom.
>The abuse of the new Anti-Terrorist legislation is more of a threat
>to Indigenous people than the abuse of the Anti-gang laws becuase of
>the consequences involved. INSET is surely in an interagency
>relationship with JTF II (Joint Task Force II, Canada's counter
>terrorist commando unit). JTF II is an elite unit staffed by the
>best soldiers of the Canadian military organized under the
>Soliciter's Generals office. Their task is to hunt down terrorist
>and destroy terrorist members and their organizations. For the most
>part they are designed to handle hostage rescue operations but can
>and have been used for more offensive roles that includes operations
>against Warrior Societies. Under the new Anti-terrorist legislation
>JTF II has been allowed to double its manpower from 300 soldiers to
>600 and a far more larger budget has been passed on to them.
>In the past under the "criminalization of Warrior Societies"
>stratgey the government would call upon the RCMP and the ERT to
>conduct actions against the Warrior Societies under the
>"justification" of enforcing the Anti-gang laws. Now, the government
>has chosen a far more offensive approach and calls upon national
>security teams like INSET and the JTF II to prepare to enforce the
>Anti-terrorist legislation against Warriors.
>There will be a press release concerning this event very soon. I'll
>try to keep everyone updated.
>Take Care,
>James Ward

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--- Begin Message ---
Title: FW: Anti-terrorist team raids Warrior Society!!!

to unsubscribe:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=PleaseStopMailingMe
please forward this message to any interested people
if you know of someone else who would be interested in receiving news and updates on Native/indigenous resistance in "Western Canada" and throughout Turtle Island, please forward me their email address

i just got this email after sending out the last email and thought people should read this because it goes into more detail about the raid by INSET, the RCMP and others.  this is really serious shit that's going down and is reflective of what's happening all over North Amerikkka in the post Sept 11th world.  In August, animal rights activist, David Barbarash, had his house in Courtenay, Vancouver Island raided and trashed by INSET, the RCMP and other agencies.  For the kkkanadian and u$ governments, resistance=terrorism.  We have to support our sisters and brothers who are being targetted, harrassed and persecuted.

>From: "James Ward"

>Hey Eveyone,
>I am writing to inform you of a very serious recent event.
>After a summer of intelligence probes from CSIS (Canadian Security
>Intelligence Service, Canada's spy agency), the Soliciter General's
>Office and possibly British Columbia's RCMP AEU (Aboriginal
>Extremist Unit) the Canadian government has decided to label and
>attack Indigenous resistence as Terrorism.
>Last week Canada's INSET (Intergrated National Security Enforcement
>Team, the new Anti-terrorist team created after Sept 11th to hunt
>down and destroy terrorists) raided one of the West Coast Warrior's
>homes. The conducted a forced entry raid using the RCMP ERT
>(Emergency Response Team, similiar to American SWAT Teams). They
>conducted a 3 hour search on the premises and didnt find anything.
>It was a misguided and failed operation.
>Later that day more individuals associated with the warrior society
>were questioned.
>By evening, INSET approached another West Coast Warriors and
>aggressively questioned him at his residence creating and provoking
>a potentially explosive situation.
>The following morning, INSET tracked down and questioned another
>member of the West Coast Warriors and questioned him.
>During all of the questioning there was continuing use of
>intimidation tactics with indirect threat to the Warrior's children
>and spouces.
>One of the INSET officers made sure that the Warriors were aware of
>there ever present surviellance by telling him....we know all your
>guys, were everyone lives, what vehicle each one of you drives and
>we are watching you all the time...
>All indigenous people should be very concerned about this tactic of
>the Canadian state targeting and labelling Indigenous resistence as
>terrorism. It is important to understand that Warrior Societies have
>never conducted a terrorist act. When have you heard of a Warrior
>Society that has hijacked a plane, a bus or a train? Warrior
>Societies haven't blown up state institutions, military complexes,
>children's schools, or shopping malls. Warrior Societies have not
>attempted to assassinate key political figures or judges or used
>sniper attacks on any civillians. Warrior Societies have not
>kidnapped anyone or taken anyone hostage. Warrior Societies have not
>targeted non-combatants for any kind of terrorist activity and the
>targeting of non-combatants is the key to defining terroist action.
>So why has the Canadian governemnt labelled Indigenous Warrior
>Socities as terrorist?
>Despite all the government and media hype terrorism does not mean
>that you, as a non nation-state, are simply an "enemy of the state"
>as the Canadian government would have you believe(under the new
>Anti-terrorist legislation that basically means you have a different
>political agenda than the government). The definition of terrorism
>is far more specific than that. Terrortism is a military strategy
>with specific tactics. Terrorism targets non-combatants for
>extremely violent or contreversial military type action to
>"terrorize" the population so it becomes alienated from government
>control. The more shocking the military action the more media
>covergae the terrorsit will recieve. Media becomes an invaluable
>tool of the terrorist to broadcast the terrorist action to a wider
>audience and terrorize more people into doing what the terrorist
>Clearly Indigenous Warriors are NOT terrorist. Terrorism is not the
>strategy of any Warrior Society nor do they employ any type of
>terrorist tactics. The Canadian governments targeting of Indigenous
>Warrior Societies as terrorist is a horrific abuse of the
>Anti-terrorist legislation.
>This tactic of abusing legislation as a means of targeting
>Indigenous Warrior Societies should come as no surprise though. As
>soon as the Anti-gang laws were passed after the public outcry for a
>crackdown on the Motorcycle gang wars in Montreal Warriors Societies
>were targeted. In one incident over 30 Manitoba Warriors were
>arrested in a large comlex raid by the RCMP. They were the first
>group to be charged with the new Anti-gang law. Hells Angels and
>Rock Machine motorcycle gangs were supposed to be the targets of
>this wide spread public call for the use of the new laws but the
>government was very selctive and abused the new laws by targeting
>the Warriors. The "criminalization" of Warriors and Warrior
>Societies became the prime tactic in suppressing any Inidgenous
>struggle for freedom.
>The abuse of the new Anti-Terrorist legislation is more of a threat
>to Indigenous people than the abuse of the Anti-gang laws becuase of
>the consequences involved. INSET is surely in an interagency
>relationship with JTF II (Joint Task Force II, Canada's counter
>terrorist commando unit). JTF II is an elite unit staffed by the
>best soldiers of the Canadian military organized under the
>Soliciter's Generals office. Their task is to hunt down terrorist
>and destroy terrorist members and their organizations. For the most
>part they are designed to handle hostage rescue operations but can
>and have been used for more offensive roles that includes operations
>against Warrior Societies. Under the new Anti-terrorist legislation
>JTF II has been allowed to double its manpower from 300 soldiers to
>600 and a far more larger budget has been passed on to them.
>In the past under the "criminalization of Warrior Societies"
>stratgey the government would call upon the RCMP and the ERT to
>conduct actions against the Warrior Societies under the
>"justification" of enforcing the Anti-gang laws. Now, the government
>has chosen a far more offensive approach and calls upon national
>security teams like INSET and the JTF II to prepare to enforce the
>Anti-terrorist legislation against Warriors.
>There will be a press release concerning this event very soon. I'll
>try to keep everyone updated.
>Take Care,
>James Ward

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