
[Can't say George Michael is the obvious candidate to pick up the baton,
which almost makes me like him even more; classy choice in material -
not too obvious, not too obscure.]

Reuters. 7 March 2003. George Michael's Anti-War Song Raises Hackles.

LONDON -- British pop star George Michael appears on the BBC's "Top of
the Pops" program on Friday for the first time in 17 years, but the
studio filming of his anti-war song did not go off without a hitch.

A spokeswoman for the pop star said Michael recorded a cover of Don
McLean's "The Grave" -- first released during the Vietnam War -- for
Friday night's show.

But it was Michael's four female background musicians who attracted most
attention, the spokeswoman told Reuters.

They all sported anti-war T-shirts with "No War, Blair Out" messages on
them, the same as those showed by British designer Katharine Hamnett
during last month's London Fashion Week.

"The producers asked them to take them off, which caused George to have
a heated argument with the producer and the girls did wear the T-shirts
in the end," the spokeswoman said.

"But this evening on the performance they will probably be bleached-out
or blacked-out in some way."

Michael chose McLean's 1971 song "The Grave" to express his feelings
about a possible U.S.-led war on Iraq, something he has done before.

Last year, he angered Americans with a single called "Shoot the Dog,"
mocking President Bush and his War on Terror.

Earlier this year, Michael allowed Brit award winner Ms Dynamite to
rework his hit "Faith" to include an anti-war rap during her performance
of the song at the Brits, the annual Oscar ceremony for the British
music industry.

McLean said: "I am proud of George Michael for standing up for life and
sanity. I am delighted that he chose a song of mine to express these

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