

-On Thursday a U.S. military delegation watched the
U.S. instructors training servicemen of "Commandos"
battalion of the Georgian army. Head of the U.S.
delegation said that he was satisfied with the
training process of Georgian servicemen. 
U.S. instructors are going to train about 2,000
Georgian servicemen within the next year and a half. 

TBILISI, October 3rd, 2002 /From RIA Novosti
correspondent David Imedashvili/ -- A spokesman of the
U.S. Military Command in Europe Fred Rasmussen and
Georgian Defence Minister David Tevzadze have signed
an agreement on logistics cooperation. 

The Georgian Defence Ministry told RIA Novosti that
the agreement had been signed as a standard agreement
between the NATO member-states and the NATO
partner-states. The agreement envisages further
cooperation between the countries in defence. 

On Thursday a U.S. military delegation watched the
U.S. instructors training servicemen of "Commandos"
battalion of the Georgian army. Head of the U.S.
delegation said that he was satisfied with the
training process of Georgian servicemen. 

U.S. instructors are going to train about 2,000
Georgian servicemen within the next year and a half. 

NATO Online
October 4, 2002

NATO to help destroy munitions 
and clean up military sites in Georgia

Georgia and NATO signed, on 1 October, a memorandum
opening the way for a joint project aimed at disposing
of missile stockpiles and clean up of military sites
in Georgia.

The agreement was signed by the Georgian Foreign
Minister Irakli Menagarishvili and Peter D. Markey,
General Manager of the NATO’s Maintenance and Supply
Agency (NAMSA), during the Foreign Minister’s visit to
NATO Headquarters.

Assistance and training

Under the agreement, NATO will provide material
assistance and training to carry out the safe disposal
of missile stockpiles and the clean up of a former
military site close to the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

The cost of the project is estimated to be in excess
of EUR 1,250,000. The Georgian authorities will
contribute in kind. Financial support will be provided
by Luxembourg and other NATO and partner countries.

Working with partner countries

This is the fourth project initiated under NATO’s
Partnership for Peace Trust Fund, which was
established in 2000 to assist partner countries in
destroying surplus munitions. 

NAMSA is currently overseeing Trust Fund projects to
ensure the destruction of surplus ordnance in Ukraine
and Moldova, having earlier this year completed the
destruction of 1.6 million anti-personnel landmines in
October 4, 2002

Captured gunman claims Shevardnadze met with Chechen

Chechen warlord Ruslan Gelayev several times visited
Tbilisi where he met with Georgian President Eduard
Shevardnadze, Murtaz Maniya, a member of Gelayev’s
detachment, told representatives of the federal forces
when he was captured after recent combat near the
Galashki village in Ingushetia. 
According to the gunman, he was trained at a base
headed by Gelayev in the Pankisi gorge, Georgia, RTR
television reported. The militant also said that
representatives of Georgian authorities, generals and
colonels of the Georgian armed forces had visited the
base several times. They brought weapons and food

Maniya stressed that Georgian authorities intended to
use Gelayev’s group to restart a military conflict in
Abkhazia. Moreover, Gelayev planned to seize the Sochi
airport to demand the withdrawal of Russian troops
from Chechnya. 

As it was reported earlier, former Georgian Defense
Minister Tengiz Kitovani admitted that about three
years ago he had discussed the problem of Chechen
gunmen in the Pankisi gorge with President Eduard
Shevardnadze. However, the Georgian leader did nothing
about this problem at that time. “I think Shevardnadze
used Gelayev’s gangs for his personal purposes, to
conduct his policy”, the former Minister claimed. 
October 4, 2002

Captured rebel tells of Georgian authorities’ support
to Gelayev’s gang

Chechen fighter Murtaza Maniya, who was captured in
the recent operation in Ingushetia has told
investigators that the Georgian authorities openly
supported Chechen warlord Ruslan Gelayev and his
gunmen during their stay in the Pankisi gorge. 

Maniya said that he had repeatedly heard that after
being wounded Gelayev had underwent treatment in a
Tbilisi hospital and personally met Georgian President
Eduard Shevardnadze. Also, Georgian officials visited
rebel training camps in Pankisi Gorge and brought with
them foodstuffs, weapons and medicines. 

The captured fighter says that the Georgian officials
hoped that the Chechens would start a large scale war
in breakaway Abkhazia so that Georgian forces could
invade this republic. Gelayev, in turn, intended to
pass through Abkhazian territory and capture an
airport in Sochi in order to demand the withdrawal of
Russian troops from Chechnya. //Interfax


Civil Georgia
October 4, 2002

Breakaway Region Against Georgian Anti-Criminal

-The Russian news agencies report quoting source in
unrecognized Ossetian government Ossetian law
enforcers will not let Georgians to carry out
operations in South Ossetia. 

(Tbilisi, Civil Georgia, October 3, 2002) -
Unrecognized South Ossetian Republic is against of
Georgian law enforcers intentions to intensify
anti-criminal activity in Shida Kartli region. 

Georgian Interior Ministry’s leadership took the
decision to intensify activity in Shida Kartli on
October 3 in regard of the worsen criminal situation
in the region. Georgian authorities say that many
criminals hide in Tskhinvali (capital of South

The Russian news agencies report quoting source in
unrecognized Ossetian government Ossetian law
enforcers will not let Georgians to carry out
operations in South Ossetia. 

Georgian Interior Ministry does not considers the
possibility of conducting large-scale anti-criminal
operation, similar to one that was conducted in
Pankisi gorge, in Shida Kartli so far. 

Breakaway South Ossetia is the part of the Shida
Kartli region, but as the Georgian law enforcers say
the anti-criminal activities will be carried out in
only Georgian controlled territory. 

Civil Georgia
October 4, 2002

Anti-Criminal Operation Possible in Shida Kartli

-A province of Shida Kartli technically incorporates
the towns and villages of South Ossetia, breakaway
region beyond the control of the central Georgian
authorities since the armed conflict that ended in
1992. The trilateral Russo-Georgian-Ossetian
peacekeeping forces are observing the implementation
of the terms of the 1992 ceasefire.
-On October 2 Deputy Secretary of the Georgian
National Security Council Jemal Gakhokidze told the
reporters " there is a special order of President
Shevardnadze to take measures to improve situation in
the region [of Shida Kartli]". 

On an emergency meeting in a provincial center of Gori
top brass Georgian law enforcers say the crime rates
may command an anti-criminal operation in Shida Kartli
patterned after the one in Pankisi. But if such
decision is taken, its implementation could be

A province of Shida Kartli technically incorporates
the towns and villages of South Ossetia, breakaway
region beyond the control of the central Georgian
authorities since the armed conflict that ended in
1992. The trilateral Russo-Georgian-Ossetian
peacekeeping forces are observing the implementation
of the terms of the 1992 ceasefire.
Serious increase in crime rates cannot be disputed.
The regional police department reported to the
Minister Koba Narchemashvili that 30 cases of homicide
were recorded during the last two months in the
region. The highway between Gori and the capital of
self-styled South Ossetia, Tskhinvali is a no man's
land with more than 40 recorded armed assaults and
robberies this year. 

Georgian Interior Minister's visit to Gori followed
the bloody attack of the criminals in the Georgian
village, which is 7 kilometers away from Tskhinvali.
Two Georgians died and one was injured after the two
masked gunmen opened fire in the restaurant in the
village of Tkviavi on October 1. Georgian law
enforcers allege that the attackers were Ossetians,
who withdrew to the breakaway region after the attack.

While the law enforcers were discussing the ways of
improving situation, one more violent crime was
committed in Gori. Four masked gunmen attacked the
owner of the currency exchange office. The owner was
badly injured by the criminals. 

Georgian law enforcers say that the criminal situation
in the region has worsened since the Moscow-based
businessman Eduard Kokoev was elected the president of
the unrecognized South Ossetia last November. 

Georgian authorities refrain from launching
large-scale anti-criminal operation at this date.
Minister Narchemashvili said after the meeting that he
would, however reinforce the investigation department
of the police in Gori, to deal with the heap of
criminal cases. 

If the need for more massive response to the
skyrocketing crime is needed, the authorities might
have some difficult negotiating to do with de facto
South Ossetian authorities, to avoid re-escalation of
the "frozen" Georgia-Ossetia conflict. 

There are indications, that top Georgian leadership
may be determined to walk this path: President
Shevardnadze said in his radiobroadcast on September
30 that the anti-criminal operation, similar to one
that was carried out in Pankisi gorge "is not excluded
in other parts of Georgia."

On October 2 Deputy Secretary of the Georgian National
Security Council Jemal Gakhokidze told the reporters "
there is a special order of President Shevardnadze to
take measures to improve situation in the region [of
Shida Kartli]". 

By Giorgi Sepashvili, Civil Georgia


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