
Ha'aretz, June 27, 2002
A-G: Israel cannot exile families of suicide bombers overseas 

By Ha'aretz Staff 

Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein decided Wednesday not to allow 
the overseas exile of families of suicide bombers, a motion brought 
up in a cabinet meeting last week. Discussions on the legal 
repurcussions of exiling the families to the Gaza Strip will be held 
in the coming days. 

The meeting, also attended by the chief prosecutor for the Israel 
Defense Forces, Major General Menahem Finkelstein; Shin Bet security 
service representatives and Supreme Court attache Osnat Mendel, 
ended in agreement with the opinion of Israeli legal experts that 
exiling the families overseas could land Israel a prosecution at the 
International Tribunal, in the Hague. 

The exiling of families overseas contravenes article 49 of the 
Geneva Convention, which prevents the wartime transfer of citizens 
from conquered land to a different country. Those present also 
speculated as to whether any country would be willing to take in the 

>From a legal perspective, exiling the families to the Gaza Strip 
seems less daunting. In a separate discussion, various opinions on 
the subject will be heard before deciding if the Shin Bet has enough 
information upon which to act. 

The Justice Ministry is still looking into whether or not such the 
exiling the family members would stand up to an appeal to the 
Supreme Court or the International Tribunal. In any event, the IDF 
is prepared to carry out the order. 

Several legal sources claim that the High Court has already approved 
the exile of families to the Gaza Strip, and has claimed that it 
would not contradict international law, if the process were done on 
an individual and selective basis. 

"Individuals can be exiled from the territories, as long as their 
continued presence poses a threat to public order and security in 
the possessed areas," the High Court said. It would be necessary, 
however, to prove that the family members met this condition.


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