
Korean Central News Agency


Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK CC
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on April 25 received a
congratulatory message from the central committee of the National Democratic
Front of South Korea on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the heroic
Korean People's Army. The foundation of the Korean People's Revolutionary
Army by President Kim Il Sung 70 years ago was a birth of the genuine
revolutionary army, the national army guided by the great brilliant
commander and the great idea for the first time in the national history
spanning thousands of years, and a historic event which gave origin to the
building of the Juche-based revolutionary armed forces, the message said,
and went on: 
    Kim Il Sung defeated the most ferocious U.S. and Japanese imperialists
in one generation to liberate the country and honorably defend the
sovereignty of the country and the nation, thus performing the undying
    His Juche-based army-centred idea and cause of army building are being
successfully carried forward by you the respected supreme commander century
after century. You have strengthened and developed the KPA into the army of
the leader and the party and the main agent for the accomplishment of the
Juche cause. 
    In particular, you have led the struggle for defence of socialism of
Juche to victory with your original army-based policy, brilliantly
glorifying the 20th century as Kim Il Sung century and opening a broad
avenue for the building of a powerful nation.
    This is the greatest feat remarkable in the history of Juche-based army
    The NDFSK and the patriotic people from all walks of life will make
positive contributions to brilliantly adorning this year as a year of
opening up a decisive phase of national reunification.


Greetings to Tanzanian President
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on April 19 sent a message of
greetings to Tanzanian President Benjamin William Mkapa on the occasion of
the 38th anniversary of the foundation of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Extending warm congratulations to the president, the government and the
people of Tanzania on this occasion, the message wished them greater success
in the work for the national unity and the independent development of the
    The message expressed belief that the relations of friendship and
cooperation existing between the two countries would continue to grow


Floral baskets to DPRK missions abroad
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Foreign organizations and personages sent
floral baskets to DPRK missions in different countries on the occasion of
the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Among them were the
first vice-president of the council of ministers of Cuba who is also
minister of the revolutionary armed forces, the deputy general secretary of
the Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria, the president of the People's
Council of Syria, the deputy prime minister and concurrently minister of
defence of Syria who is also deputy commander-in-chief of the army and armed
forces, the minister of cooperation of Iran, the vice-minister of defence
and armed forces logistics of Iran, the coordinator (leader) of the national
executive committee of the Workers' Party of Mexico, and political parties,
organizations, institutions and personages of Denmark, France, Italy and
Hong Kong of China.


Talks held between DPRK vice-premier and Russian plenipotentiary
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between Jo Chang Dok,
vice-premier of the DPRK cabinet, and Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski,
plenipotentiary representative of the president of the Russian Federation to
the far east federal district, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. At
the talks both sides exchanged views on the matter of expanding and
developing the relations of friendship and economic cooperation between the
two countries and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    Present at the talks were vice-minister of foreign trade Kim Yong Jae
and officials concerned, entourage of the plenipotentiary representative,
Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Gennadievich Karlov and embassy


Reception in honour of Russian plenipotentiary representative
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- The DPRK National Defence Commission
(NDC) yesterday hosted a reception in honor of the plenipotentiary
representative of the president of the Russian Federation to the far east
federal district. Yon Hyong Muk, member of the NDC, in a speech said that
the DPRK-Russia relations were powerfully developing under the deep concern
of the top leaders of the two countries and by the positive efforts of both
sides in various fields including politics, economy and culture.
    He expressed belief that the work to promote economic cooperation
between the DPRK and the far east area under the deep concern of the
plenipotentiary representative would bear a good fruit.
    Plenipotentiary representative Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski in a
speech expressed profound thanks to leader Kim Jong Il for his special
invitation to visit the DPRK and congratulated the Korean people on the 70th
birthday of the Korean People's Army.
    Noting that he came to know what great efforts the DPRK had directed to
increasing its national defence capacity, he wished the Korean people
greater success under the army-based policy of Kim Jong Il.
    He said that as led by Kim Jong Il, the Korean People's Army was
creditably defending the sovereignty of the country and displaying its
mightiness to the full.


Foreign party delegations and delegate visit Pyongyang mission of NDFSK
    Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- The delegation of the Socialist Workers'
Party of the United States led by Stephen Palmer Clark, member of its
political bureau, the delegation of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of
Brazil led by general secretary Claudio Campos and general secretary Andy
Brooks of the central committee of the New Communist Party of Great Britain
respectively visited the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front
of South Korea (NDFSK) between April 23 and 25. Chief of the mission Pak
Kwang Gi noted that reverence for President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong
Il is growing deeper than ever before among the South Korean people.
    He expressed thanks to the delegations and Andy Brooks for their
parties' support and solidarity to the South Korean people in the struggle
for independence, democracy and reunification and briefed them on the
NDFSK's activities.
    Recalling that the U.S. is aggravating the situation, groundlessly
taking issue with the DPRK, the chief held that the U.S. should halt its
reckless move to stifle the DPRK and withdraw its troops from South Korea at
    The visitors showed high comradely appreciation for the NDFSK's vigorous
struggle to reunify the country and its great achievements made in the
    They said that their parties would play due role in strengthening the
international movement of solidarity with the NDFSK's struggle to achieve
the independent reunification of Korea.


Congratulatory letter and gift to Kim Jong Il from Cambodia
    Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- A congratulatory letter and a gift were
sent to leader Kim Jong Il by Norodom Ranariddh, chairman of the Funcinpec
Party and president of the National Assembly of Cambodia, on the occasion of
the 70th birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army. They were conveyed to
Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, yesterday by Serei Kosal, deputy general secretary of the
Funcinpec Party, on a visit to the DPRK.


Kim Yong Nam meets deputy general secretary of Funcinpec Party
    Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, member of the political
bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and President
of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met with
Serei Kosal, deputy general secretary of the Funcinpec Party of Cambodia, at
the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday.
    On the occasion the deputy general secretary said that the Funcinpec
Party, the government and people of Cambodia extended warm congratulations
to the Korean people who are grandly commemorating the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and significantly celebrating the 70th
birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army.
    He said that during his visit to the DPRK he knew well about the might
of the army-based policy pursued by leader Kim Jong Il.
    No matter how desperately the U.S. imperialists may resort to the moves
to isolate and stifle the DPRK, they cannot break the strength of the Korean
people united close around Kim Jong Il, he noted, adding the Cambodian
people will in the future, too, positively support the just cause of the
workers' party and people of Korea.

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