
Korean Central News Agency


Vietnamese President to visit DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- President Tran Duc Luong of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam will soon pay an official visit to the DPRK at the
invitation of President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly. 


Asian regional seminar to be held
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- An Asian regional seminar will be held
here early in May this year to urge Japan to redress its past. The seminar
will provide an important occasion of laying bare and denouncing the crimes
the Japanese imperialists committed after invading Korea and many other
countries in Asia and intensifying the international joint campaign to urge
Japan to redress its past.


"Arirang" performance draws capacity audience
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- A mass gymnastic and artistic performance
"Arirang" started at the May Day Stadium on April 29, drawing capacity
audience. It was watched by foreigners from more than 20 countries including
China, Russia, Japan, Netherlands, Nepal, the United States, Singapore,
Pakistan, Australia and Yemen and Koreans overseas and Pyongyangites.
    The performers presented fantastic scenes through a good combination of
dynamic and enthusiastic gymnastic movements, ever-changing formations, wind
instrumental music full of energy and spirit, soft and elegant acrobatic
pieces spiced with national flavor, sun-ray and fan dances, Janggo dance and
dance turning round decorative tassels.
    The audience was greatly excited to see ever-changing fascinating
background scenes. 
    Special stages, large decorations and huge lighting equipment and
electronic displays including laser illuminators were used to maximize the
artistic effect of the performance.
    Foreigners and overseas Koreans were unsparing in their praises, saying
that it was great fortune and pride for them to have an opportunity to see
"Arirang" that can not be seen in any other country.
    "Arirang", which raised its curtain as the masterpiece that enriched the
treasure-house of culture and art of humankind in the 21st century, will
last till the end of June.


KPA birthday observed
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- The 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean
People's Army was commemorated in different countries. Clara Azhibekova,
first secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of
Kirgyzstan, in a press statement released on April 23 said that the KPA
founded by President Kim Il Sung is an invincible army whose 70-year-long
history is recorded with only victory and glory.
    The KPA is fully capable of mercilessly punishing anyone who dares
infringe upon the sovereignty and dignity of the DPRK.
    This invincible might is unthinkable without the guidance of Kim Il Sung
and leader Kim Jong Il, she added.
    Referring to the glorious road the KPA has covered, D. Biswas, general
secretary of the central committee of the All-India Forward Block, said on
the same day that thanks to Kim Jong Il's unique army-based policy, the
Korean people would certainly build a powerful nation and achieve the
independent national reunification.
    Meanwhile, commemoration meetings were held in Romania, Bulgaria and
Norway on April 18 and 19.
    At the meetings, speakers noted that the United States cannot have any
temerity to provoke the DPRK as it is pursuing the army-based policy shaped
by Kim Jong Il and has the invincible KPA.
    A congratulatory message to him was adopted at the meeting held in
    Lectures were given in Democratic Congo, Tanzania and Guinea from April
19 to 22. 
    Lecturers said that the KPA has traversed a road of victory and glory,
demonstrating its might as a matchless army, adding that this was only
thanks to the commandership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.


Selenium medicines produced in DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang pure breed pharmaceutical
factory succeeded in manufacturing selenium medicines and foodstuffs good
for health. Typical of them are selenium yeast tablet, selenium amine and
selenium caesal piniaceae tea.
    Selenium being their main ingredient of these medicines draws keen
interest of people. Selenium is known as no. one agent of essential
micro-nutrient good for health.
    A selenium yeast tablet and a selenium amine tablet each contains 0.15
mg and 0.02 mg of selenium while one gram of selenium caesal piniaceae
contains 50 mg of selenium.
    Medicines and foodstuffs made of selenium are efficacious for treating
cancer in its early period and after operation, senile infirmities such as
arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis and obesity, lowing enzymes during
active period and treating chronic hepatitis, heart troubles including
angina pectoris and myocardial infraction and such male genital gland
malfunction as prostate gland disorders. They are also good for growth.
    They are free from contraindication and sideeffect and their clinic
efficacy is 86 in case of cancer treatment in its early period, 85 in case
of chronic hepatitis, 80 in case of heart troubles, 87 in case of prostate
gland disorders and 90 in case of senile troubles.


Joint press release on talks between DPRK-Japan Red Cross organizations
    Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- A joint press release on the talks between
the Red Cross organizations of the DPRK and Japan was published in Beijing
today. The joint press release says:
    Talks between the DPRK Red Cross Society and the Japan Red Cross Society
were held in Beijing from April 29 to 30, 2002.
    Present at the talks on the DPRK side was the delegation of the DPRK Red
Cross Society led by section chief Ri Ho Rim and on the Japanese side was
the delegation of the Japan Red Cross Society led by section chief Hiroshi
    Also on hand were officials concerned of the two governments.
    The talks took place in a sincere and cooperative atmosphere.
    At the talks both sides discussed a series of humanitarian matters
including an investigation into the whereabouts of those missing and the
hometown visit of Japanese women in the DPRK, and confirmed as follows:
    1. The Japanese side informed the DPRK side of the results of the
former's investigation so far conducted into whereabouts of Koreans, who
have been listed as missing before 1945, at the latter's request, and
decided to continue making an in-depth investigation in cooperation with a
relevant government organ in the future, too and quickly inform the DPRK
side of its results.
    2. The DPRK side decided to make an in-depth investigation into the
whereabouts of those missing, requested by the Japanese side, in cooperation
with central and local Red Cross organizations and a relevant organ, seek a
way of intensifying it and inform the Japanese side of its results quickly
and take a necessary step.
    3. The two sides agreed to arrange the fourth hometown visit of Japanese
women in the DPRK around this summer.
    In this regard, the DPRK side decided to take into consideration hope of
their relatives in Japan.
    4. Both sides agreed to hold next round of talks around June and set
their specific date later.
    They also agreed to have a working consultation between the Red Cross
organizations from both sides, if necessary.


KPA vice marshal on people's defence forces of the DPRK
    Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) --A parade of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards
held on the occasions of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung
and the 70th birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army fully demonstrated
to the world the invincible might of the people's defence forces in the DPRK
which grew strong under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and
the appearance of army-based Korea, a country self-reliant in defense, where
all people are under arms and all parts of the country have turned into an
impregnable fortress, says an article titled "invincible might of people's
defence forces trained by three generals of Mt. Paektu" dedicated by vice
marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Ik Hyon to Rodong Sinmun today.
    The founding of the worker-peasant red guards and the young red guards
was a shining victory of Kim Il Sung's military idea of self-defense in
which the Juche idea was applied to the military field. It was a historic
event that made it possible to further strengthen an all-people, nationwide
defense system so as to consolidate the defences of the country as firm as
an iron-wall, the article says, and continues:
    The people's defence forces in the DPRK have achieved the greatest
success in history under the army-based revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong
Il. They are now performing great exploits in the struggle for national
defence and the building of a powerful socialist nation, holding a rifle in
one hand and a hammer or sickle or a writing brush in the other.
    The people's defence forces fully equipped with modern offensive and
defensive means have tremendous capability to wipe out any enemy on their
own and creditably defend their hometowns and working places.
    No force on earth can match the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK
as they were founded under the care of the three generals of Mt. Paektu and
fight, inspired by Kim Jong Il's idea, faith, pluck, gut and strategy.
    If the enemy dares encroach upon even a blade of grass and a tree of the
DPRK its people's defence forces will turn out as one alongside the Korean
People's Army in the sacred war to annihilate the enemy and honorably defend
the leader, the idea, the cause and the system of the DPRK and achieve the
historic cause of national reunification without fail.


Koizumi's visit to "Yasukuni Shrine" assailed
  &nabsp; Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- Papers here today denounce the
Japanese Prime Minister for visiting the "Yasukuni Shrine" on April 21. His
visit is a sheer blatant challenge to the Asian people and human conscience
demanding Japan's redress for its past crimes and opposing its moves for
militarism and overseas expansion, says Rodong Sinmun in a signed
    The news analyst goes on:
    What is more serious is that his visit was timed to coincide with the
frantic moves to adopt the militarist "laws on emergencies".
    Afraid of protest and denunciation at home and abroad, the Japanese
chief executive clamored about the timing of the visit and its form. But
this is nothing but a foolish ruse to conceal his true colors.
    No sooner had he paid "tribute" to the war criminals in the "shrine"
than he expressed "understanding" and hope for "peace" and "friendship".
This was sheer hypocrisy.
    The Japanese authorities are well advised to have a correct
understanding of the Korean and other Asian people's painful wounds and
grievance against Japan, refrain from getting on their nerves and act with
    A news analyst of Minju Joson dismisses Koizumi's visit to the "shrine"
as a grave challenge to the peace and desire of humankind opposed to Japan's


KEDO delegation here
    Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- A KEDO delegation arrived today by air to
participate in the negotiations of high-level experts for the implementation
of the agreement for the provision of light water reactors signed between
the DPRK and KEDO. 

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