
Korean Central News Agency


Talks held between Kim Yong Sun and Rim Tong Won
     Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The second round of talks were held
yesterday between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the Central Committee of the
Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser to President Kim
Dae Jung on diplomacy, security and unification who is his special envoy. At
the talks both sides discussed measures to straighten out the grave
situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula and warm the frozen
inter-Korean relations.
    They agreed upon a joint press release that calls for improving and
developing the overall inter-Korean relations.
    It was decided to publish the joint press release in Pyongyang and Seoul


"Joint action for withdrawal of selection of F-15K" formed in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The council for independent reunification,
the (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the citizens' solidarity
for democratic society and 270 other citizens and public organizations in
South Korea reportedly held a press conference in Seoul on March 3 in
connection with the formation of the "joint action for a probe into the
truth behind the suspected outside pressure and withdrawal of the decision
on the selection of F-15K". At the press conference the "joint action"
presented to the "Ministry of National Defence" and other authorities
concerned seven-point demands for opening to the public of the contents of
assessment of the U.S.-made fighters and a stop to the schedule of
    Then the organizations issued a statement.
    The statement said that the authorities of the "Ministry of National
Defence " are planning to introduce fighters of the next generation on the
pretext of "threat" from the North and other countries, which is going
against the requirements of the times for fixing the atmosphere of
south-north reconciliation and disarmament for peace.
    After the press conference, they conducted an all people's signature
    Prior to the press conference, the organizations held a conference and
confirmed the plan to conduct an all people's signature campaign for a probe
into the truth behind the suspected introduction of fighters of the next
generation for a month of April and to hold an all people's joint rally in
Seoul on April 1 



Plan on cultural and scientific exchange between DPRK and Russia signed
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The 2002-2004 plan on cultural and
scientific exchange between the governments of the DPRK and the Russian
Federation was signed in Moscow on April 3. Present at the signing ceremony
on the DPRK side were members of the DPRK government cultural delegation
headed by Hong Son Ok, vice-chairwoman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries, DPRK ambassador to Russia Pak Ui Chun, and
on the Russian side were Russian vice-minister of foreign affairs Aleksei
Fedotov and officials concerned.


Inter-Korean joint press release
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- A joint press release was published between
the north and south of Korea. The following is the full text of the joint
press release: 
    The joint press release .
    Rim Tong Won, special adviser at Chongwadae on diplomacy, security and
unification, visited Pyongyang from April 3 to 5, Juche 91 (2002) in the
capacity of a special envoy of President Kim Dae Jung at the request of the
South side. 
    Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK,
met with the special envoy and his party, received a personal letter from
President Kim Dae Jung and hosted a dinner for them.
    During their stay talks were held between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the
C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser at
Chongwadae on diplomacy, security and unification.
    At the talks both sides agreed upon the following points after having an
exhaustive discussion on the situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula,
the grave developments facing the nation and all the issues related to the
inter-Korean relations:
    1. Both sides agreed to respect each other and strive not to create
tensions, guided by the basic spirit of the historic June 15 North-South
Joint Declaration. 
    2. Both sides agreed to bring back on track the inter-Korean relations
that had temporarily been frozen, according to the agreed points of the
joint declaration that calls for settling the issue of the country's
reunification independently by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    3. Considering it important to relink the severed railways and roads
between the north and the south, both sides agreed to build as early as
possible new railways and roads along the east coast in its area and
reconnect the Sinuiju-Seoul railways and the Kaesong-Munsan road in the west
coastal area. 
    4. Both sides agreed to actively pursue inter-Korean dialogue and
    a. It was agreed to hold the second meeting of the North-South committee
for the promotion of economic cooperation in Seoul from May 7 to 10.
    b. it was agreed that the subcommittees will be operated under the
North-South Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation to discuss
the relinking of railways and roads, the construction of the Kaesong
industrial zone, measures to prevent flood damage in the River Rimjin, etc.
    c. It was agreed that the second round of the talks between the
authorities will be held in Mt. Kumgang from June 11 to pep up the tour of
Mt. Kumgang. 
    d. It was agreed to have the fourth round of the reunion of separated
families and relatives in Mt. Kumgang from April 28.
    e. The north side decided to send its group for economic study to the
south side within may, as already agreed upon.
    f. Both sides agreed to hold the seventh round of the inter-Korean
ministerial talks depending upon the implementation of the above-said agreed
points and the progress of the work related to them.
    5. Both sides agreed with each other to recommend the respective
military authorities to resume the talks between the military authorities of
the North and the South.
    6. Both sides agreed to cooperate with each other on the principle of
compatriotism, humanitarianism and mutual help. April 5, Juche 91 (2002)
Pyongyang . 


Special envoy of south side goes back
    Panmunjom, April 6 (KCNA) -- Rim Tong Won, special advisor to President
Kim Dae Jung on diplomacy, security and unification, went back through
Panmunjom today after visiting Pyongyang in the capacity of Kim's special
envoy at the request of the South side. Rim and his party were seen off at
Panmunjom by Kim Wan Su, vice-chairman of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace
Committee, and officials concerned.


Bush's repeated remarks about "axis of evil" refuted
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The DPRK can not but dismiss Bush's
repeated remarks about "the axis of evil" as a serious mockery and open
threat of aggression to the DPRK, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary. It goes on:
    Bush seemed to feel the need to clamour again about "the axis of evil"
at home. 
    Bush seems to calculate that creating the impression that "the axis of
evil" conception, a target of the world derision, has any validity would
help the republican party escape from blows it is expected to face in the
off-year election to the U.S. congress this year for his mistakes.
    It is also his calculation that the steady escalation of the tensions on
the international arena would help him live up to the expectation of the
munition monopolies which have provided a large amount of political funds to
    In fact, "the axis of evil" theory was conceived on the desk to browbeat
somebody by "means of shock" and meet his selfish interests.
    There is a rumour that this theory is not "for foreign consumption" but
for "domestic consumption." this is by no means fortuitous.
    The Bush group's reckless behavior only hardens the determination of the
Korean army and people to take revenge upon the United States. The Bush
ruling quarters are well advised to face up to the reality and think twice
over their behavior.


Ri Hoe Chang's wild dream ridiculed
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
dismisses the "basic line towards the North" fabricated by the group of the
South Korean "Grand National Party" as a version of the line of "unification
through invasion of the north." The commentary says: the GNP group's talk
about the "experimental work" and "symbolic work" in the "period of
transition" discloses its criminal intention to destabilize the North by
creating impression that it is doing something and whiling away time with
face-saving business.
    The commentary goes on:
    In the long run, the GNP group is keen to come to power by currying
favor with the U.S. imperialists who are running amuck to stifle the DPRK.
This can be perpetrated only by those who are preoccupied with acts of
    The group of traitors are dreaming of realizing the "plan to develop the
North," following the foreign forces keen to impose a nuclear disaster upon
the Korean nation. But it is no more than a daydream.
    The GNP's "basic line towards the north" must be an invention made by Ri
Hoe Chang, boss of the treacherous political party, in view of the timing
for its publication, its purpose and tenor. Ri who is keen to become the
next president might have dreamed up such a criminal "line" in a bid to win
the favor of the U.S., his master, and improve his image.
    The North will never allow the GNP group to dare to hurt the north and
brandish its sword to achieve the "unification through the invasion of the
north," challenging the trend of the national history and the demands of the
times but force the traitors to pay a high price for their crimes.


Phyunghwa General Motor Works commissioned
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of commissioning the Pyonghwa
Motors General Factory was held today. Present there were Kim Yong Sun,
chairman of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, officials concerned and
builders and employees of the works.
    It was also attended by members of a delegation who came here to
participate in the ceremony.
    A report and congratulatory speeches were made at the ceremony.
    A tape was cut and the participants looked round the works.
    A reception was given on the occasion of the commissioning of the works.


Kim Yong Sun meets S. Korean delegation
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Sun, chairman of the Korean
Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, met a delegation that had attended a ceremony
of commissioning the Pyonghwa Motors General Factory at the People's Palace
of Culture today and had a talk with it in an atmosphere overflowing with
compatriotic feelings.


Greetings to national leadership of Arab Socialist Baath Party
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party
of Korea today sent a message of greetings to the national leadership of the
Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria on the occasion of the 55th anniversary
of its foundation. The message said that since its foundation the Arab
Socialist Baath Party of Syria has made great achievements in the struggle
to strengthen the party, defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country
and build a new independent society under the wise leadership of Hafez Al
Assad, the eternal leader of the advance of the Syrian people.
    In the belief that the traditional relations of friendship and
cooperation between the two parties would grow stronger in the future, too,
through the common struggle for independence against imperialism, it wished
the Arab Socialist Baath Party greater success in its struggle to build
modern, prosperous and new Syria under the correct leadership of general
secretary Bashar Al Assad.


Danish political party delegation here
    pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Danish Communist Party
(Marxist-Leninist) led by its chairman Jorgen Petersen arrived here today on
the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The
delegation was met at the airport by Ji Jae Ryong, vice department director
of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea.

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