
A grand meeting was held in Hanoi on April 29 to mark the 27th Liberation
Day of southern Vietnam (April 30) and the International Labour Day (May 1).

Nguyen The Phuc, president of Hanoi Labour Federation, delivered a speech
recalling the nation's historical stages, the glorious revolutionary
tradition of the Party and the people, who had fought and sacrificed their
lives for national reunification.

The speech affirmed that the great victory in 1975 would forever be a
splendid landmark in Vietnam's history, which encouraged the Party, the
people and the army to make greater efforts for national industrialisation
and modernisation for a prosperous people, a strong country and an
equitable, democratic and civilised society.

In the undaunted spirit of May 1, the day of unity among the working class
worldwide, together with the pride of the national building and defence
tradition with the pinnacle of April 30 victory, the working class and
people of different classes in localities nationwide in general and in Hanoi
in particular, have always been the core force in the revolutionary
movements under the leadership of the Party, the speech stressed.

Implementing the renovation policy of the Party, Hanoi has been one of the
country's leading localities achieving high economic growth rates in many

A representative of the capital's working class, Pham Huu Binh said that
industrialisation and modernisation are the cause of the whole nation, thus
the working should strive to be the leading force in the national

The workers of the capital also took this opportunity to express their pride
and trust in the leadership of the glorious Party and wished to do their
best to contribute to the building of the capital as well as the nation as a

The participants joined the singing of the song 'As if we had Uncle Ho in
this great victory day.'

Present were Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh; former general
secretaries, Do Muoi and Le Kha Phieu; former advisor to the Party, Le Duc
Anh; National Assembly chairman, Nguyen Van An; Politburo members Nguyen Phu
Trong and Truong Quang Duoc; generals Vo Nguyen Giap, Chu Huy Man, Nguyen
Quyet; Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam, President of the Vietnam
Fatherland Front Pham The Duyet, Chairwoman of the Vietnam Labour
Confederation Cu Thi Hau, revolutionary veterans, Heroic Mothers and
representatives from sectors, branches and organisations.

Many activities are also being held in localities nationwide to mark the

Quang Tri has been granted the title 'Hero of the People's Armed Forces' for
its significant contributions in the struggle against the US aggressors. A
decision to this effect was signed by President Tran Duc Luong on April 29.

The province held a number of cultural activities to celebrate its 30th
anniversary of liberation (May 1, 1972 - May 1, 2002), paid tribute to war
martyrs and visited revolutionary families.

Other localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Ca Mau, Thai Nguyen,
Dong Nai, military zones and others have launched emulation movements in
celebration of the liberation of the south and Labour Day.

On this occasion, the Vietnam Association of Photographers opened a photo
exhibition entitled 'Life and Labourers' in Hanoi. The exhibition features
nearly 80 photos describing the life and work of the working people as well
as beautiful scenes of the country.


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