
Milosevic Wants Clinton to Testify at Trial-Report

December 19, 2001 10:30 am EST 

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic will call former U.S. President
Bill Clinton to testify during his U.N. war crimes trial in The Hague, a
senior official of his Socialist Party was quoted as saying on
Party official Ivica Dacic said Milosevic, accused of war crimes during
the Balkan wars of the last decade, would call people he had secretly or
publicly talked to as president of both Yugoslavia and its dominant
republic Serbia in the 1990s.

"Let's not forget that the Clinton administration had officially named
Milosevic a factor of peace and stability in the Balkans," Dacic told
Belgrade weekly Nedeljni Telegraf.

The Clinton administration sponsored and hosted negotiations which led
to the Dayton peace accord ending the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. Milosevic
was Serbian president at the time and signed the agreement on behalf of
Bosnia's Serbs.

Four years later the United States played a leading role in NATO's 1999
11-week bombing campaign to halt Serbian repression of Kosovo's ethnic
Albanian majority, allegedly orchestrated by Milosevic.

Milosevic was ousted in a popular revolt in October 2000 and transferred
to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia last
June. He remains president of the once-mighty Socialist Party.

Last week Milosevic dismissed charges at the U.N. tribunal of
spearheading a Serb campaign of genocide in Bosnia.

He has also been indicted for crimes against humanity and other war
crimes during "ethnic cleansing" by Serb forces in Croatia in 1991-92
and during the Kosovo conflict seven years later. His trial on the
Kosovo charges is due in February.

Milosevic's Belgrade lawyer Dragoslav Ognjanovic said he did not know if
Clinton would be called as a witness but that some people from the
"political world" would be, as Milosevic considered the trial against
him political.

"It is certain that some people will be called to testify but we will
see who and what procedure will be used for this," he told Reuters.

Ognjanovic, who represents Milosevic in Yugoslavia, said the U.N. court
had scheduled a pre-trial hearing on January 9 and that some names may
be announced then.

Milosevic does not recognize the U.N. tribunal, which he has denounced
as a mere tool of the NATO military alliance which bombed Yugoslavia,
and has refused to appoint defense lawyers.

The Hague tribunal ruled earlier this month Milosevic would have two
trials, first on the Kosovo charges and then on the Croatia and Bosnia
charges, but the prosecutors pushed on Wednesday for the three
indictments to be joined in one trial.|politics|12-19-2001::10:40|reute

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