
AFP; AP. 4 October 2002. Milosevic clashes with judge again; Milosevic
Denies Responsibility.

THE HAGUE -- Slobodan Milosevic denied he bore responsibility for ethnic
Serbs accused of killing non-Serbs in Croatia in the early 1990s, saying
Friday they were defending themselves against Croatian aggression.

"There was no aggression from Serbia. It was a civil war (in Croatia),"
Milosevic said. "The Serb people had war imposed on them, and
furthermore it was a war of self-defense."

Milosevic often clashed with the presiding judge over his
cross-examination of a "protected" prosecution witness.

The former Yugoslav president was cut short several times by Judge
Richard May and ordered to stick to the point as he led the witness, a
moderate Croatian Serb politician identified only as C037, through a
catalogue of alleged atrocities committed against Serbs in the Western
Slavonia area of Croatia in late 1991.

But it all got too much for the judge at one point, when Milosevic's
microphone failed as he was asking a question.

Judge May snapped: "We can't hear you but it sounds that what you are
saying is irrelevant [!]."

He went on: "You are trying to argue your entire case through this
witness, which is a waste of the court's time. If he simply read
something in the paper, then that's no use to anyone."

Milsoevic, who on Monday had questioned the crediblity of the witness on
the grounds that his evidence consisted almost entirely of hearsay,
denials and memory lapses, then retorted: "Mr May, I expected you to
make such comments to the prosecution in their examination.

"He was asked if he heard about something or read it in a newspaper or
saw it on Croatian TV, but I am only asking him what he knows. So you
accept testimony of something heard in the examination-in-chief but you
are not allowing me to do so."

Milosevic was also angry at a prosecution request to change the order of
calling witnesses due to difficulties of people travelling to the Netherlands.

He said he thought the court had agreed to provide him with a list of
who  was to appear at least a week ahead. 

"There are 125,500 pages, 600 videotapes and two to three hundred audio
tapes and it is physically impossible to view them all or even make a
selection unless I have notice a few days in advance. If the prosecution
try to use these tricks, it is impermissible."

After another lengthy period of cross-questioning in which Milosevic
tried to establish an inventory of how many Serbian villages in the
region had been torched, May intervened again to warn him: "You are
rehearsing at great length and, if I may say so, with much repetition,
that crimes were committed against Serbs.

"That may or may not be so but it is not relevant to our determining
whether crimes were committed by you or by others."

Milosevic hit back: "I wish to remind you that I am not concealing my
view that what you call an indictment is a false indictment, primarily
for two reasons."

"First of all, no aggression took place, it was a civil war, and
secondly the Serbian people had this war imposed upon them both in
Croatia and in Bosnia."

"It is evident they were defending the territory where they lived and
were trying to avoid pogroms such as those perpetrated 50 years earlier.
That is the only truth I am trying to explain here."

And denying he was contending that the other side was equally guilty, he
insisted:  "I have committed no crimes."

Also Friday, the war crimes tribunal withdrew an indictment against a
Bosnian Croat accused of murdering a wheelchair-bound man and three
other Muslims, saying his case could better be handled by a court in Bosnia.

Zoran Marinic, a former military policemen, was charged in a 1995
indictment with the murder of four Muslim civilians in Bosnia while
serving with a Croat rebel group two years earlier.

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