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19:34 2001-08-30

Recently the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) received an email from some people in St. Petersburg. They were organizing a protest against globalization and The Hague (un)Tribunal, and in support of President Milosevic. Many people in the West don't realize that there is passionate support for Milosevic across the political spectrum in the former Soviet Union. For example, the Russian Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic is led by Alexander Zinoviev, the distinguished author and former Soviet dissident. At the same time, the Committee is strongly supported by the communists.

Virtually all Russian citizens demand Milosevic be freed. They understand that in NATO's attempt to destroy Yugoslavia, Macedonia, and then Bulgaria and Greece, the ultimate target is the former Soviet Union. NATO needs to crush Milosevic, and to tarnish the legend of Milosevic, because he stands for resistance to NATO, to neo-colonialism, to Washington's Imperial rule - to the new slavery brought to us thanks to this latest would-be Rome.

During the past 14 years, Yugoslav loyalists and their leaders, especially the Serbian people and President Milosevic and his associates, have achieved the same thing the Serbs achieved in 1941. It was in March of that year that the Serbs overthrew their pro-German government. In a rage, Hitler ordered the conquest of Yugoslavia. His troops got bogged down in the attempt. This delayed Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. Because of the Serbs, the Nazi supermen were trapped in the fierce Russian winter.

In 1987, the forces around Milosevic defeated pro-NATO elements in the Serbian government, thus declaring their independence from Washington. From that time on, Milosevic and the Serbian and other Yugoslav loyalists have provided a roadblock obstructing NATO's Drive to the East and a beacon to the former Soviets, to resist.

The attack on Yugoslavia and the kidnapping of Milosevic are not random events. They constitute a new phase of the "anti-Eastern" strategy, which Washington has pursued for more than five decades. That strategy had two parts: Part one was the break up of the Soviet Union, achieved in 1991. Part Two is the reduction of the Republics of the former Soviet Union (SU) from nations to devastated territories, small protectorates under the domination of the U.S. and its junior partners. Washington has openly pursued this strategy since the end of World War II, when it created the CIA, in large measure from General Gehlen's network of Nazi operatives, agents and contacts in Western, Eastern and Southern Europe.

In the West, it is considered politically correct to ascribe the break-up of the Soviet Union to an inevitable 'revolution' brought about by internal decay. Yet it is well known that most Soviet citizens (perhaps 70%) opposed the break-up of the Union. How can a 'revolution' that is opposed by most people be inevitable?

Western countries are dominant but they are also dominated, because they are progressively losing their sovereignty to what I call "supra-society". This planetary supra-society consists of commercial enterprises and non-commercial organisms whose zones of influence are superior to those of nations. The Western countries are subjected, like other countries, to the control of these supranational structures. But the sovereignty of nations was a constituent part of pluralism and democracy at world level. The present dominating power is crushing sovereign states. The process of European integration which is taking place under our eyes is causing the disappearance of pluralism within this new conglomerate, to the benefit of a new supranational power.

Washington and Western Europe (NATO) contrived to exhaust the Soviets economically (e.g., the Afghan war and the arms race) bribed and otherwise seduced many of its officials, demeaned its ideology, and used other means to bring about the Soviets' so-called internal collapse. In the 1980s, knowing that the destruction of the Soviet Union was near, the U.S. mobilized Germany and England and launched the attack on Yugoslavia, which went into high gear with the externally-engineered secession of Slovenia and Croatia in 1991, precisely when the Soviet Union was being destroyed. Washington launched this attack because crushing Yugoslavia, and especially the passionately independent Serbs, is the key to pacifying the Balkans. And the Balkans is the strategic southern flank of the former Soviet Union.

Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser

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