
Re: Milosevic Exposed // BBC
 Friday, 25 January, 2002, 16:43 GMT 
Milosevic exposed
Here we go again!! It has been less then two years since Nancy Durham
had her big mea culpa; big I am SO SORRY for lying to you, TV
"documentary" on an Albanian girl killed by (who else but) Serbs.
       The result was " a 16-minute report: "The Truth About Raymond: A
KLA Soldier Lies for the Cause." It's being hailed by many media
observers in Canada as a breakthrough piece that should serve as a model
for other news organisations.

Durham's involvement with Rajmonda Rreci began in September 1998 while
she was filming a piece on an Albanian doctor. Rajmonda, a patient, told
Durham on camera that she was joining the KLA to avenge the death of her
six-year old sister. Durham (who works as a one-woman reporting "team")
returned in December 1998 and tracked down Ms. Rreci. During that
interview, Rreci said that her sister was fortunate to die for Kosovo,
and that she would do the same.

Then in June, almost as soon as NATO-led peacekeeping troops went into
the region, Durham went back. It was during this trip she learned that
Rreci had lied. When confronted, she told Durham that she had actually
thought her sister was dead, but wasn't sure, and that doctors in the
hospital had encouraged her to tell the story..."

What do we have this time Ms. Durham? "When Sources Prove to be Liars"
it will be too late for the Serbs. It is no surprise that the BBC story
on "Milosevic Exposed" came just couple of days before the scheduled
trial of Mr. Milosevic. 
With the help of some miserable creature and unfortunate decisions met
by the Serbian government, i.e. Serbian Interior Minister,  you came up
with this story to "worm up" and "cock up" one more lie, not to accuse
Mr. Milosevic, but to justify NATO murderous  and criminal bombardment
of Serbia and Albanian /KLA's criminal killings and abductions of
innocent Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo.

        As I have done before, so I do now demand from the CBC and the
BBC not to allow you to do any more reporting on the Balkans. There are
many reasons for that, one of which is that you have betrayed the basic
principles of a journalism : accuracy and fairness. 

Boba Borojevic
Ottawa, Canada


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