
March 30, 2002

Nato Balkans merger to cut British troops

By Michael Evans, Defence Editor
NATO is planning to merge its three operations in the Balkans, which
will lead to reductions in British troops and the 60,000-strong alliance
forces currently in Bosnia, Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of
After a long "operational area review", a report will be published soon
outlining a dramatically changed format for the three operations, which
have always had separate command structures supported by different
logistics chains. 

The recommendation, to be discussed by Nato's defence ministers in
Brussels in May, is that the Kosovo Force (Kfor), Stabilisation Force
(Sfor) in Bosnia and Task Force Amber Fox in Macedonia should become a
single operation, cutting out what is seen as duplication on a grand

Defence sources said that all three operational areas were now
relatively stable and that it was feasible and practical for the forces
to be merged. "This will mean that if there is a sudden emergency in
Bosnia, requiring more troops, a brigade could be sent from Kosovo under
a cross-border agreement," one source said. 

The aim is not to cut back on the number of "bayonet-carrying" infantry
soldiers but to reduce the huge logistics networks that feed, arm and
support the three military operations. There will be more emphasis on
having quickreaction forces available to move from one operational area
to another, crossing borders as required. 

Troop numbers have fallen in recent years, especially in Bosnia, and
there are many non-alliance countries contributing units, but the Nato
commitment in the Balkans is still substantial, representing at least 75
per cent of the troops serving in the three separate operations. 

There are currently about 42,500 Nato and non-Nato troops in Kfor,
18,000 in Sfor and 700 in Task Force Amber Fox. Britain's contribution,
which has also been cut back in the past two years, is still 3,900 in
Kfor and 2,100 with Sfor. No British troops are serving in Task Force
Amber Fox at present, although this could change if the European Union
takes over the command of the Macedonian mission in the autumn. 

Britain is likely to want to be involved in what would be the first EU
defence operation for its fledgeling rapid reaction force. 

Under the present arrangements, Kfor is backed by a logistics chain that
runs from Kosovo to Macedonia and down to Salonika in Greece. Kfor has
2,500 troops at its rear support headquarters in Macedonia, delivering
daily runs of food, supplies and rotating troops across the border down
two main highways. 

Convoys of lorries also use the road from the port of Salonika to Skopje
in Macedonia. 

The presence of 2,500 Nato troops outside Skopje also provides Task
Force Amber Fox with back-up in the event of a security crisis in
Macedonia. This would need to continue even if the EU takes over command
of the mission after the elections in the autumn. 

The Bosnian operation embraces neighbouring Croatia, where Nato
logistics troops keep supplies going from the port of Split. 

Some troop changes are already under way or being considered. The French
have come up with the idea of forming a joint Anglo-French brigade in
Kosovo. The French and British troops have worked closely together in
the frequently ethnically tense town of Mitrovica in north Kosovo, but
no decisions have yet been taken on the French idea. 

The Russians have also announced that they want to reduce their troop
numbers in Kosovo and Bosnia by a third, saying that they are running
out of money.,,3-251800,00.html


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