Strategic Culture Foundation
February 3, 2010

New Balkan Wars Loom on the Horizon
Pyotr Iskenderov

-[T]he plan for a final solution for North Kosovo is similar to the one 
Georgian President M. Saakashvili had in mind launching an attack against South 
Ossetia in August, 2008. Even the stated objectives – the restoration of the 
constitutional jurisdiction in Saakashvili's wording – is the same in both 

The contours of the Kosovo separatists' plan to suppress the Serbian resistance 
in the northern part of the province with the help of the US and the EU are 
becoming increasingly visible. 

The statements emanating from Pristina and the intensifying international 
debates over the Kosovo theme do not only show that the Albanian separatists 
are preparing an attack against their opponents but also give an idea of its 
potential scenario, the distribution of roles in it, and the extent to which 
Hashim Thaci and other former leaders of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army 
are relying on international support in the process. 

The debates at the January 22 open session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo 
were unprecedentedly heated. It was the first time since the summer of 2007 
(when Russia managed to derail the Resolution recognizing Kosovo independence, 
proposed by the West on the basis of UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari's plan) 
that the parties to the dispute over Kosovo defined their positions with such 
utmost clarity. 

There was an impression that the world's major powers were speaking different 
languages. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the US, and West European 
countries “urged flexibility” in admitting Kosovo to regional and international 
mechanisms and forums, whereas Russia and Serbia regarded the approach as an 
attempt to dilute the role of the UN in the province and to legitimize its 
independent status. 

The discussions were centered around Pristina's so-called final solution plan 
for North Kosovo, which Thaci inadvertently unveiled several days prior to the 
session. He said the plan was being drafted jointly with international 
representatives and was aimed at strengthening what he called Kosovo 
sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

Thaci said 2010 would be the year of consolidation for Kosovo. The priorities 
in the framework of the plan include the elimination of Serbian self-government 
established in Kosovska Mitrovica and nearby Serbian communities based on the 
May, 2008 elections held in accordance with the laws of Serbia. Another blow 
will be dealt to Serbian police forces and the custom service, which at the 
moment are maintaining at least partial control over the traffic across the 
administrative border between Kosovo and the rest of Serbia. 

NATO's KFOR deployed in Kosovo will render military assistance to Albanians. 
There is information that on the whole the corresponding decision was made 
during Commander of Joint Force Command Naples, Admiral Mark Fitzgerald's 
January visit to Kosovo, after which he described the Serbian self-government 
as... a threat to the security of Kosovo. “All violations of UN Security 
Council Resolution 1244 pose a threat to security. Since the resolution does 
not approve of parallel institutions, they are cause for concern”, said 

Pristina's priority is international support for the operation, which the US 
and the EU are supposed to ensure. The US will be blocking attempts by Russia 
and China to have a response resolution passed by the UN Security Council. At 
the same time Brussels will be exerting ever greater pressure on Serbia to make 
it deny support to the Serbs of Kosovo and seal off the border with the 
province so as not let Serbian volunteers reach Albania. 

Chances are that the operation will be launched already this April after the 
International Court of Justice issues an indefinite verdict on the Kosovo 
independence and the establishment of the Mitrovica municipality headed by 
Albanians and the few Serbs ready to cooperate with them. 

Serbia's pro-Western President Boris Tadic spoke with great caution of the 
anti-Serbian plan harbored by Pristina, NATO, and the EU, essentially saying 
little more than that the “final solution” promised nothing good to the Kosovo 
population. Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to UN I. Shcherbak was 
much more outspoken. He said that from Russia's standpoint it is necessary to 
stop decisively any attempts to float concepts harmful to Kosovo regardless of 
their source, as they do not only breach UN Security Council Resolution 1244 
but also destabilize the province and provoke tensions. 

There is information that the plan was co-authored by EU Special Representative 
and UN Civil Administration head Peter Feith. The Administration was 
established in the spring of 2008, shortly after the declaration of Kosovo 
independence and its recognition by the US and major EU counties. 

The Administration that no UN documents regulate comprises representatives of 
14 EU and NATO countries and Switzerland, which are implementing the Ahtisaari 
plan, a EU brainchild the UN Security Council never approved. 

It is noteworthy that Kosovo separatist government foreign minister Skender 
Hyseni who represented Kosovo at the UN Security Council session made no 
comments concerning the plan for the northern part of Kosovo. Speaking to the 
media after the session, he claimed without elaborating that the EU mission and 
the Civic Administration were not promoting any final solution for North 

A survey of recent developments leads to the conclusion that the blueprint for 
suppressing the Serbian resistance in Kosovo is being drafted at a level much 
higher than that of the province. Given its basic parameters (a snap offensive 
supported by the NATO and EU pseudo-peacekeepers with international political 
backing plus the installation of a puppet administration), the plan for a final 
solution for North Kosovo is similar to the one Georgian President M. 
Saakashvili had in mind launching an attack against South Ossetia in August, 
2008. Even the stated objectives – the restoration of the constitutional 
jurisdiction in Saakashvili's wording – is the same in both cases. 

Even earlier, in August, 1995, a similar scenario was imposed on the Serbs of 
Krajina when Croatia sent regular army forces to attack them while the US and 
the EU backed the operation diplomatically. Actually, at that time the 
diplomatic support played no practical role as neither Yugoslavia nor the 
Russian leadership demonstrated any will to help Serbian Krajina in its 
It is hard to predict the outcome of the current developments as the Bosnian 
front, no less important to Serbs, Russia, and the Orthodoxy, is likely to gain 
a place on the map of the new Balkan war alongside the Kosovo one. Outgoing 
Croatian President Stipe Mesic said the Republic's army should launch an 
offensive against the Bosnian Serb Republic in case it holds a Kosovo-style 
self-determination referendum.

To be continued

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