
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 23rd, 2001, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   The Search For The Truth

   In response to an international outcry, United Nations
   Secretary-General Kofi Annan has named a team to
   investigate Israel's military operation in the Jenin refugee
   camp in the West Bank.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_503846_1_A,00.html

   German Police Detain 11 Suspected Terrorists

   German police have detained 11 people suspected of planning terrorist
   attacks in Germany. The 11, believed to be members of the Sunni
   Palestinian "Al Tawhid" organization, were arrested when the
   authorities raided 19 locations simultaneously in 5 states. The
   Federal prosecutors office in Karlsruhe has confirmed the arrest of a
   36 year old Palestinian man in Essen, who is believed to be the head
   of the organization. Meanwhile in Frankfurt, an Algerian man on
   trial for allegedly plotting to bomb the Christmas market in
   Strasbourg, France said his defence lawyers were devils and the trial
   was a farce. Lamine Maroni, is being tried with four others who are
   suspected of having links to the al-Qaeda terrorist network.
   Prosecutors said the men formed a cell aimed at acquiring weapons and
   planning attacks after they returned from training in Afghanistan.

   Victims of Catholic Pedophile Priests Call for Action

   American victims of the Roman Catholic Church's pedophile scandal on
   Tuesday called for strong action against priests who abused children
   in their care and said assuring words from the pope were not enough.
   Victims and their lawyers said priests responsible for these sex
   crimes must be held accountable, as well as Catholic leaders who
   moved pedophile priests from one parish to another rather than turn
   them in to the authorities. The pedophile scandal has shaken the
   Catholic Church across America and led Pope John Paul II to summon
   U.S. cardinals to Rome to discuss the crisis in which the church has
   been accused of protecting its own before the child victims.

   Talks to End Bethlehem Standoff End

   Talks to end the standoff at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity have
   ended with the Palestinians reporting progress. It's the first direct
   contact between the Israelis and Palestinians since dozens of
   Palestinian gunmen took refuge in the church, built on the spot where
   Christians believe Jesus was born. However, the violence in the
   Middle East continued on Tuesday when an Israeli helicopter missile
   strike in Hebron killed Marwan Zuloum, local head of the al-Aqsa
   Martyrs Brigade and his bodyguard. Angry crowds took to the streets
   of Hebron screaming for revenge after the men's charred bodies were
   pulled from the burning wreckage of their vehicle early on Tuesday.
   Just hours after the attack, hooded gunmen dragged three men accused
   of collaborating with Israel to the scene and shot them dead.
   Meanwhile, tanks remain ringed President Yasser Arafat's headquarters
   in Ramallah, however, Mr. Arafat will meet with EU foreign policy
   chief Javier Solana and EU special envoy Miguel Angel Moratinos on
   Wednesday who travel to the region this evening. Mr. Arafat will also
   meet with the foreign ministers of Greece and Turkey later this week.

   Ahtisaari to Head Jenin Inquiry Team

   Despite Israeli protests, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has named
   a commission to investigate Israel's recent assault on the Jenin
   refugee camp. Former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari will head the
   commission which also includes former UNHCR director Sadako Ogata,
   the former president of the International Red Cross Cornelio
   Sommaruga, and as military adviser the retired U.S. general William
   Nash. The Palestinian Authority has claimed that a "massacre" of
   civilians took place in Jenin, an accusation that Israel has denied.

   Six Serb suspects ready to face U.N. tribunal

   Zoran Djindjic, the Prime Minister of Serbia, has announced 6
   suspected Serb war criminals, including two senior allies of ousted
   leader Slobodan Milosevic, will give themselves up to the United
   Nations tribunal in The Hague, Holland in the next few days. However,
   still at large, are two of the world's most wanted men, wartime
   Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military commander Ratko
   Mladic. Belgrade said the two are beyond its reach, rejecting
   allegations from The Hague that Mladic enjoys army protection. A
   government spokesman said those of the 17 suspects who had not turned
   themselves in and were in Yugoslavia would be arrested.

   Yugoslavia, Croatia move to improve relations

   A landmark meeting to thaw relations between two former Balkan foes,
   Yugoslavia and Croatia on Tuesday went smoothly with both sides
   saying they hoped to resolve a dispute over a strategic peninsula on
   their border by the end of the year. The meeting came during the
   first visit of a Croatian foreign minister to Belgrade since
   reformists came to power in both countries.

   Thousands Mourn Victims of Milan Skyscraper Crash

   Thousands of mourners packed Milan's huge cathedral on Tuesday for
   the funeral of two women killed when a light plane struck a
   skyscraper last week. Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi joined
   relatives and colleagues of the two families in a mass for the
   victims of Milan's second air disaster in just six months.
   Investigators are still trying to establish what happened in the
   ill-fated cockpit, and still cannot verify if illness, mechanical
   failure or a suicide wish caused the plane of Luigi Fasulo, to smash
   into the landmark, 30-storey Pirelli Tower.

   German Foreign Ministry Issues Travel Warning for Tunisia

   The German Foreign Ministry has issued a warning to people planning
   to travel to Tunisia saying there is an increased security risk. The
   warning came just hours after Germany's Federal Interior Minister
   Otto Schily returned from the north African nation and declared the
   explosion outside of a Tunisian synagogue on April 11th was indeed a
   terrorist attack. The ministry is recommending that tourists avoid
   areas where people could congregate including demonstrations, tourism
   sites and religious landmarks. The blast killed 11 Germans, 5
   Tunisians, and a French man.

   IG Metal to Ask for Strike Mandate

   Germany's second largest union IG Metall on Tuesday said it would ask
   some of its 2.8 million members for a strike mandate after it had
   declared negotiations for a new contract dead. Klaus Zwickel, the
   president of the IG Metal said the union's board had recommended a
   strike ballot in the southern region of Baden-Wuerttemberg, as well
   the states of Berlin and Brandenburg involving around 200,000 members
   in over 1,000 firms. The Union leadership is expecting an
   overwhelming mandate to back demands for a 6.5 percent pay hike.

   German Economy on the Rebound

   The 6 leading German economic think tanks in their annual spring
   report believe the largest European economy is at the beginning of a
   recovery. They expect the German economy to grow this year by 9
   tenths of one percent and estimate unemployment to hover around the 4
   million mark. Meanwhile, the German Association of Credit Collection
   Agencies expects the number of bankrupcies to soar this year. They
   believe some 40,000 small businesses could collapse this year
   eliminating upto 600,000 jobs. Those figures are 15 percent higher
   than last year.

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