
   24th January, 2002, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   German Flotilla Deployed Against Terror

   Into the Arabian Sea off the coast of East Africa,
   German ships have joined the US-led "war on terror".

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
internet address below:,3367,1432_A_416920_1_A,00.html

   Israel Denies Involvement in Beirut Assassination

   Israel on Thursday denied an allegation made by a Lebanese Cabinet
   minister that it was involved in the killing of former Lebanese
   Christian militia leader Elie Hobeika. Hobeika was killed outside his
   home in Beirut when a car bomb exploded. Three other people were
   killed, and another three wounded in the blast. Hobeika was the
   leader of a pro-Israeli Christian militia involved in the killing of
   hundreds of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps
   during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon. The Lebanese minister of
   displaced people, Marvan Hamadeh, told reporters he believed Israel
   may have killed Hobeika because he was ready to testify against
   Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. A Belgian court is deliberating
   whether Sharon can be put on trial in Belgium on charges related to
   the massacres, which took place while Sharon was defence minister.
   Aides at Sharon's office have called Hamadeh's accusations of Israeli
   involvement in Hobeika's assassination "a complete lie."

   Israel's Burg Vows to Address Palestinian Assembly

   Israeli parliamentary speaker Avraham Burg has accepted an invitation
   to address the Palestinian parliament, his spokesman said on
   Thursday, despite opposition to the visit by Israeli Prime Minister
   Ariel Sharon. Palestinian parliamentary speaker Ahmed Korei, who is
   also known as Abu Ala, invited Burg to address the Palestinian
   Legislative Council (PLC) when they met in Paris on Wednesday, a
   spokesman for Burg said. A date had not been set for the visit.
   Isreali premier Sharon, who wants to politically isolate the
   Palestinian Authority, said Burg was bound by a decision of the
   ruling coalition not to make such visits.

   Pope Holds Peace Meeting in Italian city Assisi

   Pope John Paul and some 200 leaders of the world's major religions
   have arrived at the Italian city of Assisi, the birthplace of the
   Roman catholic Saint Francis, to pray for an end to war and
   terrorism. In Assisi, leaders of a dozen religions, including
   Christians, Muslims and Jews, are expected to pledge that each faith
   should bring peace, forgiveness, life and love to earth. It is the
   third such day of peace organised by the Pope during his 23-year
   pontificate, and he wants to reiterate the message that conflict,
   murder and violence should never be carried out in the name of God.

   President Bush Proposes Massive Increase in Military Spending

   U.S. President George W. Bush has announced a proposed $48 billion
   increase in military spending next year to buy high-tech equipment
   for a wider war against terrorism. If approved by Congress it would
   be the largest increase in two decades. Saying the spending on
   precision weapons, missile defenses, a military pay increase,
   unmanned vehicles and high-tech gear for troops could stretch the
   budget, Bush said the U.S. government would not stint on protecting
   its people after Sept. 11. The president has already begun to come
   under criticism from congressional Democrats over the fact that his
   tax and spending plans, combined with the U.S. recession, will return
   the government to deficit for the first time since 1997.

   China Pledges Aid to Afghanistan

   China's official news agency Xinhua says Chinese President Jiang
   Zemin on Thursday promised $150 million towards the reconstruction of
   war-ravaged Afghanistan. Jiang made the pledge to interim Afghan
   leader Hamid Karzai in Beijing. Karzai earlier said international aid
   to his country would primarily be used for security, education,
   health, and road building. He added that the government also needed
   to become functional again.

   US Troops Still Meet Resistance In Afghanistan

   US officials say a US soldier was wounded and as many as 15 al Qaeda
   guerrillas killed on Thursday in a clash in southern Afghanistan. The
   officials, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters news agency
   the action occurred in the region around Kandahar. The soldier was
   part of a a "search-and-destroy" mission by U.S. special forces
   against supporters of fugitive al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

   German Parliament to Debate Funding for Airbus Order

   Germany's parliament will debate funding to buy 73 Airbus A400M
   military transport planes late on Thursday. Germany is one of eight
   countries involved in an 18-billion euro ($7.6 billion)deal to buy
   196 planes. The project is central to Europe's planned rapid reaction
   military force. If Berlin does not ratify the deal, the other seven
   buyers, including Britain and France, will be released from their
   obligations. So far the German parliament has approved financing for
   only 40 aircraft, worth just over five billion euros.

   Austrian Coalition Not to Call Early Elections

   Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said on Thursday his
   two-year-old centre-right coalition had resolved its differences over
   European Union enlargement and that there would not be an early
   election. The cause of the dispute was a petition organized by Joerg
   Haider's Freedom Party demanding that Austria veto Czech accession to
   the European Union unless the controversial Czech Temelin nuclear
   plant is shut down. Schuessel has ruled out an Austrian veto, but
   says his government will continue talks with the Czech government on
   the Temelin plant.

   Ethiopian Drought Affects Over 5 Million People

   Ethiopia's Disaster and Preparedness Commission said on Wednesday
   that an estimated 5.2 million people will need food aid in 2002 owing
   to the drought affecting large parts of the country. The United
   Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said the report showed Ethiopia's
   humanitarian situation had improved, but that emergency aid was still
   urgently needed. Last year, six million people, or one in 10 of the
   population, needed food aid.

   Nepal Continues State of Emergency

   Nepal on Thursday said its state of emergency, imposed in November,
   would not be ended early, as violence in the Himalayan kingdom
   continues to flare up. Officials say five policemen and nine Maoist
   rebels were killed in the latest clashes. Nepal's King Gyanendra
   called a state of emergency after rebels renewed their violent
   efforts to set up a communist republic when peace talks failed.
   Nearly 500 people have died since the breaking of the truce nearly
   two months ago.

   Leading French Thinker Pierre Bourdieu Dies

   One of France's leading intellectuals, sociologist Pierre Bourdieu,
   has died in Paris, aged 71. The daily Le Monde said Bourdieu had died
   of cancer at the Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris on Wednesday. In a
   message of condolence, French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin called
   Bourdieu "a great figure in the intellectual life of our country".
   Bourdieu is widely regarded as having profoundly reshaped
   sociological study since the 1960s. He was known for his trenchant
   criticism of capitalist society.

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