
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   March 24th, 2001, 16:00 UTC
   Visite im Hinterhof

   US-Präsident George W. Bush ist auf Kurzbesuch in Mittel- und Südamerika.
   Ihm liegen zwei Dinge am Herzen: Die Eindämmung des Drogenhandels und die
   Ausweitung der wirtschaftlichen Kontakte.,3367,1454_A_482264_1_A,00.html

   Middle East violence kills 6 more on Sunday

   Efforts to secure a Middle East ceasefire continued on Sunday against
   a backdrop of more violence. Israeli soldiers shot and killed four
   Palestinian gunmen who had crossed into Israel from Jordan near the
   southern border of the Golan Heights. Earlier Sunday, a Palestinian
   policeman was killed in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers
   at an army checkpoint and an Israeli woman was killed in a drive-by
   shooting attack on a bus north of Ramallah.
   US Middle East envoy Anthony Zinni met with Israeli and Palestinian
   security officials on Sunday, however, no progress was reported.
   During the regular Sunday morning cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime
   Minister Ariel Sharon said he was prepared to go the Arab Summit in
   Beirut this week to present his views on the Saudi land-for-peace
   proposal. Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres currently in Beijing
   said despite the latest violence, Palestinian President Yassar Arafat
   should be allowed to attend the summit saying Mr. Arafat's failure to
   appear would make him a hero in the Arab world.

   100,000 Syrians demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians

   At a huge rally in the Syrian capital, Damascus, some 100,000 people
   have demonstrated solidarity with the Palestinians in their conflict
   with Israel. Speakers, called on the Syrian government to defend the
   interests of the Palestinian people at the Arab League summit in
   Beirut. The Syrian goverment has expressed support for the Saudi
   peace proposal.

   2 dead in Gujarrat as police impose curfew ahead of Muharram festival

   Fresh violence has broken out in India's western state of Gujarat as
   the authorities tightened security on the eve of a major Muslim
   festival to prevent further bloodshed. Police imposed a curfew on
   Sunday in the Vijalpur area of the main city of Ahmedabad and in
   Bharuch district after scattered incidents of mob violence. During
   the latest unrest two people were killed in a Hindu-majority area of
   Ahmedabad. Authorities are concerned about Monday's Muharram festival
   of Ashura -- the 10th day of the Islamic new year -- in which Muslims
   traditionally organise street marches. More than 700 people, mostly
   Muslims, have been killed in Gujarrat in reprisals for an attack last
   month by a Muslim mob on a train in which 58 Hindus burnt to death.

   Grenade attack in Goma during Palm Sunday service

   At least one person was killed and 11 others were injured during a
   grenade attack at an outdoor Palm Sunday mass in the east Congolese
   town of Goma. Jean-Pierre Lola-Kisanga, a rebel leader told the
   Reuters news agency in a telephone interview, two of the injured were
   priests and four members of the congregation were taken into
   custody. Goma, which borders Rwanda was devastated by a volcanic
   eruption in January and is controlled by the Rwandan-backed rebels,
   known as the Congolese Rally for Democracy.

   Palm Sunday at St. Peter's Sq. breaks with tradition

   Pope John Paul, the Second, presided over Palm Sunday mass, however,
   for the first time during his papacy he did not celebrate the entire
   service. The Vatican said the pontiff, suffered from a painful
   arthritic right knee. In another change with the past, the Pope did
   not lead a procession from the centre of St. Peter's Square with the
   faithful waving palm branches. In the next week, the Pontiff is
   scheduled to preside over 8 major Easter events.

   Australian Police Makes Large Heroin Haul

   Australian police on Sunday seized about 380 kilograms of heroin
   hidden in boxes of rice noodles shipped from China. It was the
   country's second largest haul of the drug, a customs official said.
   The street value of the heroin was estimated at more than 100 million
   Australian dollars, or about 53 million US dollars. Police arrested
   three men, all Australian citizens.

   Stand off at Brazial presidential farm ends peacefully

   Hundreds of peasants who invaded a farm belonging to Brazlian
   President Fernando Henrique Cardoso abandoned the property early
   Sunday under the watchful eyes of government soldiers. The
   occupation ended when the government agreed to hear their demands for
   more land and agricultural credits. However, the 16 leaders of the
   Landless Workers Movement, were taken into custody by soldiers. The
   government sent some 200 troops to back up the local authorities at
   the farm local about 100 miles from the capital, Brasilia.

   Serbs rally on 3rd anniversary of NATO bombing

   About 5000 Serbs, waving flags and displaying pictures of former
   President Slobodan Milosevic, gathered in central Belgrade on Sunday
   to mark the third anniversary of the start of NATO's bombing of
   Yugoslavia. The protesters, supported by Milosevic's Socialist Party
   of Serbia, denounced NATO for the bombing and waved placards
   condemning the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague. NATO launched a
   78-day bombing campaign to end Serb repression of ethnic Albanians in
   Kosovo that forced Milosevic to pull Serb forces out of the province,
   which is now under the administration of the United Nations.

   And the winner is... Oscar's later today

   In just a few hours, Hollywood will honour its best. Industry
   observers say this year's contest is one of the most unpredictable in
   years. The fantasy epic, Lord of the Rings, is nominated in 13
   categories including best picture. The films Shrek, Jimmy Neutron,
   Boy Genius, and Monster Inc have been nominated for an "Oscar" in a
   new category, animated film. The ceremony will be broadcast around
   the world starting at 00:45 UTC when those famous words will be said
   "... and the winner is ..."

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