
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   March 28th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:
   Arab World Stands United

   Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, left, was able to convince his
counterparts, such as 
   Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud, of his peace plan.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the 
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_486036_1_A,00.html

   Arab League Agrees on Peace Plan for Israel

   Arab leaders meeting in Beirut have unanimously agreed on a Saudi
   initiative for peace with Israel. But Israel has already rejected
   part of the Arab peace plan, saying it implies the destruction of the
   Jewish state. A Beirut Declaration issued at the end of a two-day
   summit in the Lebanese capital endorsed a plan which offered Israel
   security and normal ties if it returned all occupied land and agreed
   to live alongside a Palestinian state. The Declaration also called
   for a "just solution" to the Palestinian refugee problem, including
   repatriation or compensation. The Israelis and Palestinians remained
   divided over the proposal. Palestinian President Yasser Arafat
   embraced the plan, but an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said
   that his country could not accept the right of return for Palestinian
   refugees while negociating for a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, the
   situation in the Gaza Strip and West Bank remains volatile. The
   Palestinians were bracing themselves for fierce Israeli reprisals
   after Wednesday's suicide bombing in Netanya, in which 20 people were
   killed. U.N. Secretary Kofi Annan condemned the attack, but called
   on both sides for restraint and an immediate ceasefire.

   Large British Force Set to Arrive in Afghanistan; Relief Has Begun
   Victims of Earthquake

   Preparations in Afghanistan are underway for the arrival of Britain's
   largest combat mission in over a decade. Royal Marines and Royal Air
   Force (RAF) personnel on Thursday were setting up a large area land
   near the capital Kabul where 1600 soldiers will be based. A field
   hospital is also being built behind while RAF engineers set up flight
   logistics. Service helicopters at the base have also begun ferrying
   aid to the victims of this week's earthquake in Northern
   Afghanistan. The British troops are to participate in U.S.-led
   operations against remnant Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in what is
   being dubbed "Operation Jacana."
   Meanwhile, the U.N. says aid deliveries have begun to reach the
   survivor's of this week's earthquake near the Northern villages of
   Nahrin. Thousands of tents have been set up to house at least
   100,000 people who have spent the last three nights sleeping outside
   in the cold. Monday's earthquake destroyed about 90% of the
   mud-brick villages in the area. Aftershocks and landslides have also
   hampered relief efforts.

   Gunman in Nanterre Commits Suicide

   The man arrested after a shooting spree in the French town of
   Nanterre has committed suicide. According to police, 33-year-old
   Richard Durn jumped out of an interrogation room window during
   questioning. Police said in a statement that Durn had scrambled
   through a window despite efforts to hold him back by the legs. The
   French justice and interior ministry have launched an inquiry into
   Durn's interroragation and subsequent suicide. On Wednesday, Durn
   opened fire on a room full of people inside a town hall in Nanterre.
   Eight local councillors were killed and 19 other people were

   Berlusconi Plays Down U.S. Terror Warning

   In Italy, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has played down a warning
   issued by the United States that extremists may launch attacks
   against Americans during the up-coming Easter holiday. Italian
   authorities were apparently infuriated after the U.S. embassy in Rome
   cited Italian security services and unexpectedly released a warning
   saying Americans could be targeted in "terrorist actions" in Venice,
   Florence, Milan or Verona. Italian officials had not intended to
   make the news public. They wanted instead to increase security ahead
   of the busy holiday weekend. Following the U.S. statement, Italian
   leaders moved quickly to quiet the fears of the millions of tourists
   who traditionally head to Italy's cities over Easter. No specific
   extremist group networks were named.

   Two Comic Stars Die

   Britain and Germany have lost two prominent entertainers -- Comedian
   Dudley Moore and Satirist Matthias Beltz. Moore, who was living in
   the Unites States at the time of his death, died of a rare brain
   disease at the age of 66. He was well-known for his roles in the hit
   movies "10" with Bo Derek and "Arthur" with Liza Minnelli. Matthias
   Beltz, who was 57, was found in his Frankfurt apartment after
   suffering from what police believed was a heart attack. Beltz had
   launched several long-running cabaret shows. Later in the 1990s, he
   entertained large German TV audiences with his satires on


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