
Financial Times
October 3, 2002

Nigeria and Angola meet over US military plans 
By Antony Goldman in London and James Lamont in

-The two countries together produce 3m barrels of oil
a day and have attracted billions of dollars in US
investment in recent years. The region is increasingly
regarded as a strategic energy reserve by a US
administration anxious to diversify its sources for
oil imports away from the Middle East.
General Carlton Fulford, deputy commander-in-chief, US
European Command, visited Sao Tomé & Principe, an
island cluster in the Atlantic midway between Nigeria
and Angola, in July in connection with the proposed

Nigeria and Angola, Africa's two biggest oil
producers, will meet in Luanda, Angola's capital, on
Friday to discuss shared concern over reports that the
US is considering setting up a new military base in
the region.

Rilwanu Lukman, special adviser on oil to the Nigerian
head of state and also president of the Organisation
of Petroleum Exporting Countries, will meet José
Eduardo dos Santos, the Angolan leader, and senior
members of his administration, officials in Mr
Lukman's office said on Thursday.

The two countries together produce 3m barrels of oil a
day and have attracted billions of dollars in US
investment in recent years. The region is increasingly
regarded as a strategic energy reserve by a US
administration anxious to diversify its sources for
oil imports away from the Middle East.

General Carlton Fulford, deputy commander-in-chief, US
European Command, visited Sao Tomé & Principe, an
island cluster in the Atlantic midway between Nigeria
and Angola, in July in connection with the proposed
base. He was welcomed by Fradique de Menezes, the
country's president, who said such a facility would
help protect Sao Tomé, one of the poorest countries,
which has ambitions to build its own oil industry.

"This will be good for São Tomé as it will ensure the
future of the country in relation to those that are
ambitious and are looking to come to the country when
oil is extracted from our waters," said Mr Menezes.

"It [the base] is at a pre- positioning stage. The aim
would be [protection of] the Gulf of Guinea and oil
interests. It would be handy to have a staging point,"
said Richard Cornwell, an analyst at the
Pretoria-based Institute for Security Studies.

Analysts also believe a military presence in São Tomé
would assist US participation in regional
peace-keeping operations. "Having a central Africa
command would give the US a security presence in the
area. There is a strategic interest with so much oil
coming out of West Africa. But it may also be a
reflection on the African Union and an acknowledgement
that Africa is not up to peacekeeping. There is a
shift in concern," said Ross Herbert, an analyst at
the South African Institute of International Affairs.

Walter Kansteiner, the US assistant secretary of state
for Africa, is expected to visit Gabon, another
oil-producing African state, in the next few days.
American defence officials have played down interest
in establishing a permanent base in the region,
however, saying their interests could be better served
simply by having access rights to air and naval

Relations between São Tomé and Nigeria have
deteriorated recently after a delay in efforts to
promote a new initiative to exploit oil reserves along
their common maritime boundary. Mr Menezes has also
questioned a number of controversial oil-related
contracts signed by his predecessor.

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