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[Via Communist Internet... ]
----- Original Message -----
From: Taimor Hazou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: OzPales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; solidarity_palestine
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 1:14 AM
Subject: [solidarity_palestine] (unknown)

Dear everybody, (including for Sydney comrades).

Our protest yesterday was excellent. We had according
to the media approximately 200 people, though I think
it was close to 130-150.

Friends Of Palestine, turned out in full colours, and
a special thanks is need for Jacob Grech, Bill Deller,
Serena O'Meley, Leigh Riley, Dave Muller for helping
in the build up and putting in a great effort on the
day. We also had a large number of Palestinian who
showed enthusiasm and restraint when needed.

I'd also like to acknowledge the presence of all left
groups: DSP, ISO, SA, AS, and more... usually I
complain about this groups or that groups turning up,,
but this time we had the whole spectrum of left
parties... a great thing.

A very big mention to the Peace Marshall volunteers
who were called at the last minute to form a buffer
between us the extremist after we received many death
threats and intimidating phone calls,,, some extremely
serious, of which the marshals were informed and still
volunteer to be in the middle of it all... Thank fully
there was no violence,,, and we didnt need there
disciplined pacificsim. Thanks.

Last, but not least I would like to acknowledge and
thank Women in Black a Jewish based group, and all
progressive Jews who were present on our side of the
rally. It is unfortunate, that the AJDS pulled out
officially,,, but a lot of there members were there in
person. They deserve a big thanks, because like our
ogansiers they received deaths threats, and
intitimidating phone calls, and some serious pressure
from the JCCV not to be there. They are in a difficult
position and we acknowledge that. Thanks.


The Protest was great, we had a lot of media
interviews, and lot of symbolic gestures, eg. olive
banches in the path of cars, people holding branches,
slogans, banners, placards, in Hebrew, Arabic and
English, Palestinian flags, and a Palestinian and
Israeli flag tied together.

Despite there being lots of media coverage, I dont
thin it was very good. the extremism of netanyahu and
gutnick was not really delved into, and you would be
forgive to think we had threatened Bibi according to
one of the reports.

With the second bombing the Palestinian s are getting
a bashing in the media, and we need to moblise letters
and our media presence. As an eg. The pic in the age
today over the orient house protest was of wounded
Israeli soldier form the protest,,,, pretty

Anyway People, NOW more than ever is when we need,
letters, interviews, etc. please lend your support,
and keep in touch for what we organise in the next

Lets End the Violence.
Lets Free Palestine.

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