
Guardian. 7 March 2003. Pentagon wants mini-nuke ban to be lifted.

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon has asked the US Congress to lift a 10-year
ban on developing small nuclear warheads, or "mini-nukes," in one of the
most overt steps President George Bush's administration has taken
towards building a new atomic arsenal.

Buried in the defence department's 2004 budget proposals, sent to
congressional committees this week, was a single-line statement that
marks a sharp change in US nuclear policy.

It calls on the legislature to "rescind the prohibition on research and
development of low-yield nuclear weapons."

If passed by Congress, the measure would represent an important victory
for radicals in the administration, who believe the US arsenal needs to
be made more "usable."

A Pentagon official said yesterday the research ban on smaller warheads
"has negatively affected US government efforts to support the national
strategy to counter WMD, and undercuts efforts that could strengthen our
ability to deter or respond to new or emerging threats."

"It's significant because this is the first time the administration --
and it comes from the department of defence -- has said it wants
low-yield weapons," said Kathryn Cran dall, a nuclear weapons expert at
the British American Security Information Council.

She said the policy statement contradicted denials from administration
officials that they had any ambitions to build new weapons.

Congressional Republicans approved $15m last year for research on
nuclear "bunker busters," designed to penetrate reinforced underground
targets before exploding.

"Here we have the administration in one of its more open steps so far,"
said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Washington-based arms
control association.

John Spratt, one of the ban's two authors, said: "Some in the
administration and in Congress seem to think that the US can move the
world in one direction while Washington moves in another -- that we can
continue to prevail on other countries not to develop nuclear weapons,
while we develop new tactical applications for such weapons, and
possibly resume nuclear testing."

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