
 Just curious to know what country?

G.R. wrote:
> on 28/4/02 09:46, Miroslav Antic at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ...
> > Terrorists who had publicly bragged that they would fight to the last 
> > bullet,
> > and who publicly delighted in ambushing 13 Israeli reservists ­ fathers 
> > and
> > husbands called to the battle against the extremists that the cowardly 
> > Mr
> > Arafat refused to fight, heads of families who will never return.
> ...
> I still remember in my native land that the Germans during WWII when 
> they
> occupied it had been using the same lingo for those fighting and killing
> German soldiers in battles or in ambush.
> The price to pay then was 10 civilians executed for a soldier and 50 for 
> an
> officer. Sometimes also for an important sabotage would be the rounding 
> up
> and execution of the whole male population of villages from 15 yo to 60 
> yo
> and destruction of houses. Sometimes they would be taken in custody and
> tortured to death always documented by the "SS". The reason for the
> retribution was, sometimes citing the Geneva conventions, that "only 
> regular
> army can fight with regular army".*
> Of course all the paid and unpaid typewriters in the service of Israel 
> have
> always failed to remark these striking facts. "It is not by accident or
> voluntary. It is unavoidable".
> *
> BTW The striking difference is that though everything is documented 
> neither
> the country nor the victims have ever got a penny from Germany in 
> contrast
> with "the righteous victims" that have being compensated several times 
> and
> for several reasons for real or imaginary sufferings.


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