
It should be clear to all that the 'saintly' Albanians are permitted nd encouraged to 
kill and dispossess whomsoever they wish - until Uncle Sam is directly affected. 
Whilst those 'evil Serbs' deserve all they get. Some egs from this week's press:
"BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - A Serbian court Tuesday sentenced a former Bosnian interior 
minister to three months in jail for running a business in Serbia with forged 
documents, a news agency reported..Alija Delimustafic, who headed the ministry in 
charge of police when the Bosnian war broke out in 1992, had pleaded guilty to the 
crime. When released, he is expected to be extradited to Bosnia, where he is wanted on 
separate charges of organized crime, the independent news agency Beta reported...He 
was arrested by Serbian police in January, and reports about Delimustafic's true 
identity triggered outrage as many Serbs blame him for the killings of dozens of 
Yugoslav army soldiers killed by Bosnian police in 1992 as they were withdrawing from 
the newly independent Bosnia...The Belgrade court did not deal with Delimustafic's 
role in the war and handed him the minimal prison term for falsifying personal 
documents, a crime that carries a prison term of up to five years.' Harsh Serbian 
justice against an 'innocent' Bosnian Muslim 'freedom fighting leader'

'Five Bosnians _ four of whom survived the Srebrenica massacre _ killed in traffic 
Hirkic and her sons survived the July 1995 Srebrenica massacre in which up to 8,000 
men were killed by Bosnian Serb troops.'  Numbers up again. Bosnian Muslim men have 
now become women.

US Embassy Reopens in Sarajevo 
Mon Mar 25, 5:49 PM ET 
'The embassy shut down amid fears last week that al-Qaida terrorists were planning a 
major attack on Americans in Bosnia. It was closed to the public Wednesday and shut 
down entirely on Friday.'

They magically appeared after the war in order to pick on the 'freedom loving' 
Americans who are protecting their Muslim brethren. Ungrateful lot!

'SFOR to scour Bosnia for illegal weapons during cranked-up Operation Harvest
By Ivana Avramovic, Bosnia bureau
European edition, Tuesday, March 26, 2002
SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Troops will check every attic, basement, cave, 
barn, dark corner and car trunk to find illegal weapons still abundant six years after 
the end of the war, the Stabilization Forces' top commander said during a news 
conference Friday.' Disarmed the KLA too
© 2002 Stars and Stripes
'Shootout among former rebels in Macedonia leaves at last two dead, several wounded 
TETOVO, Macedonia - Overnight clashes between rival ethnic Albanian rebel factions in 
Macedonia left at least two militants dead and several others wounded, a NATO 
spokesman said Tuesday.'

Must have been started by the Serbs and their lackies, the Macedonians.

Assessing the Effects of NATO's Air Strikes Three Years on
By Jolyon Naegele 
'It was the 15 January 1999 massacre by Serb forces of 45 Albanian inhabitants of the 
Kosovo village of Racak that so incensed the international community and paved the way 
to launching the air strikes.

Racak resident Faik Limani lost three grown sons in the massacre, leaving him with 
seven fatherless grandchildren. After the air strikes ended, Limani praised the 
bravery of William Walker, the Kosovo mission chief of the Organization for Security 
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Walker laid the blame squarely on Belgrade on a 
visit to Racak the day after the massacre.

"If Walker had not come here and had not seen the bodies, it would have been just 
another forgotten massacre," Limani said. "The world would have known nothing of what 
had happened here, and NATO would not have intervened. NATO saved us. Without NATO, we 
would have all been exterminated. The lives of my three sons are the price we have 
paid for freedom. After all, only freedom is worth what we went through."

The air strikes also unleashed a massive wave of violence by the Serb forces in Kosovo 
directed at the province's ethnic Albanian inhabitants -- 800,000 of whom fled under 
duress to neighboring Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, and beyond...A new Albanian 
nationalist spirit, free of fear of Serb repression, occurred in Kosovo almost 
overnight....."Gjakova greets the UCK,"Pristina greets the UCK,"Gjilan greets the 
UCK,"All Drenica is talking about the UCK,"UCK from hill to hill,
"The UCK is shedding blood." The refrain of this war-time Albanian pop song, titled 
"The UCK Greets Kosovo" and sung by Bekim Ibrahimi and the group Korabi, could be 
heard on sidewalks and in marketplaces across Kosovo, an audible warning to all Serbs 
that what they had called the cradle of Serb civilization for generations was Serb 
land no more...An initial post-conflict wave of murders -- 400 in the first six months 
after NATO's arrival, with one-third of the victims Serb, one-third Albanian and the 
rest mainly Roma -- ensured that lawlessness remained the biggest threat to the 
province's stability. Political murders and terrorist attacks on civilian targets were 
prevalent in 2000 and into 2001 but are now increasingly rare. The perpetrators are 
believed largely to have been former UCK fighters frustrated and disenfranchised by 
the postwar system. UCK veterans also played a pivotal role in two subsequent armed 
rebellions -- in southern Serbia's Presevo Valley and in northwestern Macedonia. Both 
conflicts were low in intensity and ended relatively amicably through mediation by 
U.S. and European Union special envoys....KFOR peacekeepers continue to find and 
confiscate hidden arms, but KFOR and UN police have been unable so far to deal 
effectively with Serb nationalists who insist on maintaining complete separation from 
their Albanian neighbors in the divided city of Mitrovica and elsewhere....Kosovar 
Albanian politicians are as eager as ever to declare independence for the province. 
But the new UN chief administrator, Michael Steiner -- like his two predecessors -- is 
adamant that that step is still a long way off and will only be possible once the 
political scene has matured. And that will not be for several years, at least.
Copyright (c) 2002 RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio 
FreeEurope/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.'

Those evil Serbs preventing the peaceful unification of Kosovo with Albania, despite 
their lives of luxury and ease.
Last update: Mar 26, 2002 20:44 CET
'Prisoner transfer doesn't mean exchange, warns Covic 
20:44 BELGRADE, Tuesday - The head of Belgrade's Coordination Centre for Kosovo and 
South Serbia, Nebojsa Covic, today confirmed that 146 Albanian prisoners had been 
transferred to Kosovo. 
However cautioned Covic, the transfer was not in exchange for Serbs imprisoned in the 
southern province. "We have managed to release seventeen Serbs in Kosovo so far," said 
Covic, adding that there would be a review of the cases of other Serbs convicted by 
what he described as the biased Albanian judiciary.' There are no Serbs in Kosovan 
prisons. They are all in luxury hotels.
March 27
were serving sentences in Serbia were transferred to Kosovo on March 26, in accordance 
with an agreement between Belgrade authorities and UNMIK. The Albanians, who were 
serving their sentences in Nis and Sremska Mitrovica, were handed over to UNMIK 
representatives in Merdare on the administrative border with Kosovo. Serbian justice 
ministry secretary, Bruno Vekaric, told BETA that seven Albanian inmates did not want 
to serve their sentences in Kosovo and wanted to stay in jails in Serbia...' Wonder 


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 27 March 2002 11:42
Subject: FYROM: Terrorist Chief Elected Head Of 'Coordinative Council'


[A brief background piece on Ali Ahmeti follows]

Balkan Report 
Ali Ahmeti Elected President Of Coordinative Council


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