
 Hollywood.war: As long as it preserves our priviledged position in 
society, why not?

Steve Wagner wrote:
> This is from The San Francisco Examiner,
> page C-4, Sunday, March 10, 2002:
> Hollywood gets new
> handbook on war
> LOS ANGELES - An industry advisory group that counsels Hollywood on
> responsibly handling issues such as substance abuse and auto safety has
> added terrorism and war to its list.
>   "Spotlight on a New Normal," a handbook from the Entertainment
> Industries Council Inc., will be distributed to more than 3,000
> industry members who create and distribute films and TV programs.
>   It includes suggestions for depicting terrorism and conditions of
> war.  Among them:  Promote preparedness for future vulnerabilities or
> attacks and consider story lines that promote volunteerism and flag
> displays in memory of terrorism victims.
>   The handbook was developed in response to the Sept. 11 attacks and is
> intended to help define the role Hollywood can play in the war on
> terrorism, the council said.
>   "While we do not endorse or encourage government interference with
> the creative process, we do, however, believe that government can be a
> reliable resource for information that writers can draw upon for
> character and story line development," council president Brian Dyak
> said last week.
>   In the past, the EIC has worked to encourage the accurate depiction
> of drug, alcohol and tobacco use in movies and TV and to encourage
> depictions of such safety measures as seat belts in cars.
>   The Bush administration has asked Hollywood executives to take part
> in the war on terrorism by boosting the spirits of citizens and
> entertaining soldiers at home and abroad.
>   Although some in the industry have expressed uneasiness about acting
> as government propagandists, the White House has said it doesn't see
> Hollywood in that role.
> __________________
> - Associated Press
> =====
> Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around 
> Lake Merritt in Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & 
> Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, 
> __________________________________________________
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