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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: Results and Resolutions of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

Once again Assisi turned into the capital of anti-imperialism during one week. From
July 28th until August 5th more than 500 people gathered at the anti-imperialist camp
listening to the reports of the delegations from organisations and parties from all
over the world, discussing about the struggles against capitalist globalisation, in
particular the experiences and consequences from Genoa and preparing international
days of action against imperialism.

The Camp was supported by  about 90 quite different anti-imperialist and revolutionary
organisations. Delegations from 35 organisations were able to participate in the camp.
Many of the other delegations did not receive visa from the Italian embassy or could
not take part because of economic problems, but nevertheless they sent their greetings
and confirmed their readiness to continue our common struggle against imperialism.

The discussions took place in the spirit of anti-imperialist fraternity and solidarity
between the participants. Even though their political background and their experiences
with imperialist globalisation were quite different, all participants agreed on the
necessity to continue the struggle, to build an international anti-imperialist front
and to build people's power, socialism. There was a broad consent regarding the
continuation and strenghtening of the anti-imperialist unity and regarding the
international common actions during the year concerning topics that are considered
most important by the anti-imperialist movement. All participants agreed on organizing
the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002 commonly.

The Anti-imperialist Camp 2001 was dedicated to Carlo Guilani, the young man, who was
murdered by the police forces of the imperialist italian state in the streets of
Genoa. The Camp contributed to step forward organizing the people's resistance and the
international revolutionary struggle against globalisation, to unite the struggles of
the oppressed peoples and the new protest movement against globalisation in the west,
and to reconstruct an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, and socialist perspective, as
only alternative to globalised capitalism.

Global Intifada against globalisation
Final resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi, 2001

The struggle against globalisation must become a popular and anti-imperialist one - a
global Intifada is necessary
The Anti-imperialist Camp schedules international actions
to support the Palestinian and Colombian peoples in their just struggle against

At Assisi, representatives of popular anti-imperialist forces have been meeting from
July 28 to August 4 with the support of more than a hundred organisations from all
around the world. This genuine counter-summit of the oppressed and exploited peoples
together with anti-imperialists of the West took place only one week after the massive
anti-globalisation mobilisation against the G8 in Genoa. As an integral part of the
movement, we, the anti-imperialist forces of the world, insist that our movement has
to remain unified against the massive repression of the capitalist state and has to
defend all the protesters. Therefore the camp has been dedicated to the first martyr
of our movement, Carlo Giuliani, assassinated by the police in Genoa. The capitalist
class is intending to split our movement and to integrate one part in the capitalist
system trying to use it as a fig leaf camouflaging the devastating impact of
capitalist globalisation. They fear that the continuation of the global social
massacre caused by savage neo-liberalism will sooner or later evoke turmoil and
resistance which will in turn seriously threaten imperialist domination. We express
our concerns about slogans calling for a "globalisation from below" and for the
"control of the civil society over globalisation", slogans which neither question
capitalism nor imperialism. On the contrary, they could be used to give capitalist
globalisation a social cover. The Anti-imperialist Camp will concentrate all its
forces to develop the movement against globalisation into one directed against
capitalism and imperialism and to form step by step, a solid international
anti-imperialist front with the final aim to defeat and overthrow capitalism and to
establish popular power...

Resolution on political prisoners

Resolution on the revolutionary political prisoners in Turkey

Participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp

Supporters of the Anti-imperialist Camp

Photo-report from the Anti-imperialist Camp

Solidarity message to the attack on the murderer of Che Guevara

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