
[Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, until now the last
holdouts, have joined Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan in becoming Central Asian nations harboring
U.S. troops, war planes, military bases and
surveillance facilities. 
They now join the ranks of their three Cental Asian
CIS neighbors as well as Afghanistan (the
Russian-built air base at Bagram is now in U.S. hands)
and Pakistan to the south and Georgia to the west.] 

Rumsfeld meets Central Asian leaders to cement
alliance against global terror 
By Robert Burns
April 28, 2002
ASTANA, Kazakhstan 
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld met Sunday with
the rulers of two former Soviet republics in Central
Asia to bolster support for the war in nearby
Afghanistan and for U.S. efforts to deny new
sanctuaries for al-Qaeda fighters. 
Rumsfeld stopped in Turkmenistan to see President
Saparmurat Niyazov and then flew to Kazakhstan's
capital for talks with President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Kazakhstan's defense chief, Gen. Col. Mukhtar
Altynbayev, said his government planned to increase
its involvement in Afghanistan. He mentioned
transporting and donating humanitarian aid, and
working out an agreement so U.S. and allied aircraft
could use at least one Kazakh airfield in the event of
emergency. Kazakhstan already allows coalition
aircraft to use its airspace. 
"Kazakhstan confirmed its desire and its real
participation in the struggle against terrorism," the
defense chief, speaking through an interpreter, said
at a news conference at the presidential palace.
Rumsfeld was at his side. 
Kazakhstan also will send at least three military
officers to U.S. Central Command headquarters in
Tampa, Fla., to coordinate the humanitarian aid work
for Afghanistan, Altynbayev said. Rumsfeld said
Kazakhstan plays an important role in the
international coalition against terrorism. 
"We are anxious to do everything we possibly can to
see that Afghanistan does not go back to becoming a
haven for terrorists or sanctuary for terrorists,"
Rumsfeld said. 
In Turkmenbashi, a port city on the Caspian Sea,
Rumsfeld thanked Niyazov for allowing U.S. and allied
planes to use Turkmen airspace and for its role in
supporting humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. "Their
humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan have undoubtedly
saved lives of Afghan people," he said. 
In their session at Niyazov's gated, heavily guarded
palace on the shores of the Caspian, Rumsfeld also met
with his Turkmen counterpart, Redzhebai Arazov, and
Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov. Reporters
accompanying Rumsfeld on his Central Asia tour were
not allowed into Niyazov's palace. 
About one-third of all food aid reaching Afghanistan
since the United States launched its war in October
against the Taliban militia and Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaeda network has gone through Turkmenistan, which
shares a border with Afghanistan. 
Rumsfeld said he and Niyazov did not discuss bin Laden
or al-Qaeda. Niyazov, whose portrait is ever-present
in his impoverished desert nation of 5 million people,
refers to himself as Turkmenbashi, which means head of
the Turkmens. A few years ago, he took that name for
the city that had been known as Krasnovodsk. 
The only U.S. military presence in Turkmenistan is a
small group of troops that operate refueling aircraft
for cargo planes that carry aid into Afghanistan. 
The United States has a limited military relationship
with Turkmenistan, although the two interact as a
result of Turkmenistan's membership in NATO's
Partnership for Peace program. 
On Monday, Rumsfeld was to meet with Russian Defense
Minister Sergei Ivanov in Moscow to discuss the war on
terrorism, progress toward an arms control agreement
and preparations for President Bush's meeting with
President Vladimir Putin in late May. Turkmenistan was
the third stop on a Central Asian tour that began
Friday in Kyrgyzstan, whose Manas airport has become a
major staging base for American and allied combat and
support flights into Afghanistan. 
On Saturday, Rumsfeld took a whirlwind tour of
Afghanistan. He started at Bagram Air Base, where he
urged U.S. and allied troops to be prepared for a long
war against terrorism. In Kabul, the Afghan capital,
Rumsfeld met with the head of the interim government,
Hamid Karzai, and his top aides. 
Rumsfeld finished his Afghan visit in the western city
of Herat, where he saw Ismail Khan, the warlord who
calls himself the emir of western Afghanistan and has
close ties to neighboring Iran. 

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