
Russians drastically changed their attitude on the U.S. in March - poll

MOSCOW. April 4 (Interfax) - Negative attitudes in Russia towards the
United States in March reached the level of summer 1999, which could be
explained then by developments in Yugoslavia. 
   A survey conducted by the All-Russia Center for Public Opinion
Studies shows that a third of Russians (30%) describe present relations
between Moscow and Washington as "cool," while 18% consider them to be
"tense," and 4% call them "hostile." 
   An estimated 29% of respondents think Russia and the United States
now have "normal and neutral" relations, while 42% expressed this
opinion in September 2001. 
   Only 13% of Russians call relations between the two countries
"friendly," "good," or "neighborly," as compared with 20% in September
   Sociologists explain this sharp growth of anti-U.S. sentiments by the
fact that the United States is dictating its rules to the world, and by
concerns about the U.S. military presence in Central Asia, as well as in
Georgia. Scandals at the Salt Lake City Olympic Games also affected
Russian views. 
   The sociologists also believe the "trade war" that erupted in March
over Russian steel imports to the United States and U.S. chicken imports
to Russia accounts for a cooling in Russian attitudes, as well. 
   Sociologists say that Russians have difficulty in deciding whether
the two countries are allies or adversaries. A quarter of the
respondents to the survey (25%) hesitated to answer, with 38% calling
the U.S. "adversaries," and 37% "allies." 
   A question about the development of the two countries' relations,
which was asked in January, saw half of Russians (53%) saying relations
"remained unchanged," with a fifth (21%) saying the two countries were
"growing closer." 
   The results of the March survey show that Russians have drastically
changed their attitudes, with a third of them (34%) saying relations
between Russia and the United States are deteriorating, and only 6%
describing them as becoming closer. 
   Almost half of Russians (48%) expressed confidence that the U.S.
needs Russia's support in the anti-terror campaign, with more than a
third (37%) expressing the opposite opinion. 
   The survey was conducted on March 22-26, among 1600 Russians in 83
settlements of the country's 33 regions. 


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