US troops 'denied treatment for bombing victims'

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE in Dehrawad, Afghanistan


   As a formal US investigation into a botched bombing that claimed civilian lives started, outraged villagers claimed American soldiers stormed their homes and barred them from treating wounded relatives.

"First they bombed the women folk, killing them like animals. Then they stormed into the houses and tied the hands of men and women," said Mohammad Anwar at Kakrakai village in central Uruzgan province. "It was cruelty. After bombing the area, the US forces rushed to that house, cordoned it off and refused to let the people help the victims."

Mr Anwar pointed to the home of his brother Sharif, who was hosting a huge pre-wedding party for his son on the night of June 30 when United States aircraft strafed Kakrakai and surrounding villages.

Sharif, who accompanied Afghan President Hamid Karzai on his daring mission into then Taleban-ruled central Afghanistan last October, was killed. So were Mr Anwar's wife and Sharif's wife and four children. The groom-to-be survived because he was confined in a separate house as local wedding tradition decrees.

The US-led coalition commander in Afghanistan, General Dan McNeill, confirmed on Saturday that there were civilian casualties. Afghan officials claim 48 people were killed.

Mr Anwar, a senior Karzai-appointed military commander in neighbouring Kandahar province, said the toll would have been less if the troops storming his brother's home had allowed relatives to tend to the victims.

"Until seven or eight o'clock in the morning the Americans did not allow anyone to help the injured and to cover the bodies. Most of their clothes had been burnt off. They kept filming and photographing the naked women.

"The people are asking: is this the result of the support we have extended to the Americans? This is humiliation. Our women were disgraced."

The US, in Afghanistan seeking remnants of the former hardline Taleban regime and its al-Qaeda allies, has insisted coalition aircraft attacked only after they were fired on.

Anti-American rage gripped the nearby villages of Shatoghai, Siasung and Mazar, also hit in the US bombardment.

"One day God will give us the strength and we will fight them," said Haji Wali, whose home in Shatoghai was attacked.

"Even during the Russian occupation [1979-1989] there was never such a sustained bombing of the area. We are weak and they are oppressing us."

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