
[A work after James Fennimore Cooper. A tragedy.
For having the temerity of fulfilling their sworn
obligation to defend their people and nation against
arbitrary attacks from abroad and from within, the two
inextricably connected.
For heroically withstanding ten years of economic
strangulation, a decade of spurious  slander and
jesuitical obloquy, years of diplomatic isolation,
seventy nine days of intense and merciless bombing, a
year and a half of vulgar mercenary blackmail.
For setting an example to the people of the world of
what it means to struggle against overwhelming and
more than overwhelming odds and standing firm.
To be falsely accused of committing the very crimes
that those nations who established the mockery of
justice and morality that is the so-called Hague
Tribunal are past and current masters of, they and
their client states.
What Providence delays it not denies, as Shakespeare
wrote; and many a time before in history have the
accusers become the accused.]


Two Yugoslav war crimes suspects to surrender Thursday
Tue Apr 30, 6:08 AM ET 
By DUSAN STOJANOVIC, Associated Press Writer 
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Two Yugoslav war crimes
suspects, including a top aide to former President
Slobodan Milosevic, will surrender to a U.N. tribunal
in the Netherlands on Thursday, the state Tanjug news
agency reported Tuesday.
The two include a former deputy prime minister, Nikola
Sainovic, and a former Bosnian Serb prison official,
Momcilo Gruban, Tanjug said, quoting sources in the
Justice Ministry.
Sainovic was Milosevic's security adviser in charge of
Kosovo during NATO's 78-day bombardment of Yugoslavia
in 1999.
Sainovic was charged along with Milosevic by the U.N.
war crimes court tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands,
for crimes against humanity during a government
crackdown against Kosovo Albanians. Some 800,000 of
them fled their homes in the province and thousands
were killed.
Gruban was a warden in the Serb-run Omarska prison
camp for Bosnian Muslims during the 1992-95 Bosnian
war. He is charged by the tribunal with "murder,
sexual harassment and torture" of inmates.
Sainovic and Gruban are among five suspects still in
Yugoslavia who have said they would voluntarily
surrender to The Hague rather than face possible
arrest and extradition. A total of 24 Serbs are on the
U.N. court's list of suspects wanted for alleged war
crimes committed during the Balkan wars in the 1990s.
Former Yugoslav army commander Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic
surrendered to The Hague last Thursday. He pleaded
innocent Friday to charges of killing ethnic Albanians
and driving others from Kosovo, claiming he was
fighting terrorists in the disputed Serb province.
Yugoslavia's current leadership, which extradited
Milosevic to The Hague last year, has been under
strong Western pressure to hand over the remaining
suspects or risk losing millions of dollars in badly
needed U.S. aid.
Pro-Western politicians managed earlier this month to
get the Yugoslav parliament to enact a law allowing
the extraditions. The government then issued a
deadline to the wanted men to surrender or face
Among the six who declared their readiness to
surrender are former Croatian Serb rebel leader Milan
Martic and former army officers Mile Mrksic and
Vladimir Kovacevic.
Martic's lawyer Strahinja Kastratovic said Tuesday
that his client will surrender to The Hague next week.
He did not specify the date.
Eighteen other suspects listed by the U.N. tribunal —
including the most-wanted fugitives — former Bosnian
Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his wartime commander
Gen. Ratko Mladic — declined to surrender voluntarily
and now face possible arrest and extradition, the
Justice Ministry has said.

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