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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 9:42 PM
Subject: [MLL] Trading Blood for Oil Part II

     China has restored its capitalist economy with the aspirations to become 
a major economic power and with the US intentions of securing and dominating 
the Balkans, it is posing a serious threat to the economic stability, needs 
and desires of China.  The reason of this threat is that China needs 
petroleum and its oil requirements are estimated to double by 2010.  This 
means that China will need to import 40% of its needs which will be a 20% 
increase from 1995.  As a result of China's dependency on oil and petroleum 
it signed a $4.3 billion arrangement with an oil facility in Kazakh.  This 
deal gives China 60% interest in this facility, not something China will give 
up easily.

     It is quite clear that the Central Asian region is rich in natural 
resources and therefore has strategic vital importance to US capitalism.  It 
is even quite obvious that US imperialism will not allow itself to be 
undermined by Europe or its hegemonic role to be challenged but will in fact 
resort to militarist aggression by any challenger.  It should also be obvious 
that the US will not allow the Central Asia region to be peacefully and 
equally divided amongst its capitalist "allies."

     Another conclusion is that US imperialism will continue to foment and 
exacerbate local ethnic conflicts as it invests its capital in major oil 
projects in order to obscure and justify its militarist aggression.  The 
region possesses billions of dollars in oil export revenue and the redivision 
of this region will be decided by the imperialists and their armies.  A 
factor to consider is that the US imperial armed forces will be going up 
against several major powers with enormous military capabilities, therefore, 
any conflict will not be a one-sided conflict like in Yugoslavia.  US 
imperialism will be at war with opponents that are not defenseless but in 
fact possess nuclear weapons.  This is what gives way to another plausible 
pretext for US imperialisms' aggression against eliminate "weapons 
of mass destruction" in order for US imperialism to ravage the world with 
minimal amount of challenge and loss.

     The reason why the US has strategic interests in the Balkans is because 
of its vast resources.  Kosovo, by itself, has the richest mineral resources. 
 According to Chris Hedges in his article, "Below it all in Kosovo, A War's 
Glittering Prize", NY Times, 7/8/98, he said that, "...the sprawling 
state-owened Trepca mining complex, the most valueable piece of real-estate 
in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 billion..."  No wonder we are supposed 
to believe in the Serbian "atrocities" committed there, the US imperialists 
needed a casus belli to liberate this mine for its own possession!!  Also, to 
quote Partija Rada, "facts from the terrain" have proved that the Serbian 
massacre here were fabricated and served as the casus belli for US 
imperialist occupation of this area and nothing more!

     However, the major resource that is of the most strategic value and 
interest is oil.  For US imperialism to secure this resource, it will deny 
Iran, Russia, Japan and China of their strategic interests and needs for this 
resource, subjugating them into a dependency on US capitalism.

     US imperialism has completely dominated the Albanian economy and 
replaced its socialist economy with a "free-market" economy.  The World Bank 
and the IMF have succeeded in the destruction of Albania's banking system and 
economy bringing it under the dominance of American and European TNC's.  Some 
of these TNC's include Occidental, Shell and British Petroleum.  So what does 
the destruction of Albania and Yugoslavia show?  It certainly does not show 
the "humanitarianism" of US imperialism.

     On June 25, 1998, Michael S. Lelyveld wrote in the Journal of Commerce 
that, "A bitter ethnic battle in the Caucasus spilled over into Congress this 
week as U.S. corporate and oil interests won a key vote on aid to the region 
in the Senate Foreign Relation Committee.  The panel approved the Silk Road 
Strategy Act...which would 'target assistance to support economic and 
political independence of the countries of the South Caucasus and Central 
Asia.'  But behind the measure's bland title is a widening web of 
international and US business alliances with stakes in the outcome of a 
10-year old war..."
     What this does show is that US imperialism is going to expand its 
dominance into the region of Central Asia in pursuit of oil.  What does this 
mean?  It means that once again we will be bombarded with the bourgoisie's 
lies of "ethnic cleansing" and the need for armed militarist intervention to 
protect "human rights."

     According to the International Petroleum Encyclopedia, 1999, the largest 
network of pipelines were built by the Soviet Union who was the leading 
producer of oil and natural gas.  Its gas and oil fields, refineries and 
pipelines extended from western Siberia, from the Caspian Sea to the Black 
Sea, the Ukraine, the Baltic and east European countries.  It is the intent 
of US imperialism to dominate and control the entire Caspian Sea.  Already 
50% of all the oil investment in this region are controlled by a coalition of 
11 western oil companies that include Atlantic Richfield, Chevron, 
Exxon-Mobil, Pennzoil, Phillips Petroleum, Texaco and British Petroleum-Amoco.

     There are already existing pipelines that go through Cechnya and other 
areas of Russia to Novorossiysk on the Black Sea.  The intentions of the US 
capitalists though are to by-pass Russia with a possible pipeline through 
Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea which is called the Baku-Ceyhan route.

      In November 1999 at the OSCE summit in Istanbul, Georgia signed the 
Ankara Declaration which gives its support to the building of the Baku-Ceyhan 
and trans-Caspian pipelines.  This route passes through Turkey and is 
therefore complicated by the struggles of the Kurds.  The purpose of this 
route is to by-pass Russia and consolidate US support of Turkey.
     The trans-Caspian pipeline will be built underneath the Caspian Sea from 
its eastern shore to Azerbaijan and connect with other pipelines, again 
by-passing Russia.  Azerbaijan has enormous oil reserves but its existing 
pipelines have a very restricted capacity going from Georgia to Supra and 
another goes through Russia to Checnya to Novorossiysk.
     The problem with the trans-Caspian pipeline, although it by-passes 
Russia, is that there is a treaty that must be agreed to by all five littoral 
states, two of these countries are Russia and Iran.  Disputes are being waged 
about the ownership of the pipelines, oil and gas... and at the urging of the 
US capitalists...for the legalities of this treaty to be ignored and 
disregarded so that the US capitalists can build this pipeline.  The US 
capitalists, represented by Richard Morningstar, who was the former special 
advisor to Clinton, and Secretary of State for Caspian Basin energy issues 
has urged Azerbaijan and Turkemnistan to ignore the Russian and Iranian 
hostilities even if it means violating the existing legal status of the 
Caspian Sea.
     Another complication in this proposed pipeline is that China has 
invested quite extensively in Turkmenistan to help in its exploration, 
drilling and construction of refineries.  China has established both military 
and economic relations with Turkmenistan.  China's National Petroleum Company 
has helped to rebuild over 100 wells which increased Turkmenistan's export 
production and according to Stratfor Global Intelligence Update of September 
17, 1999, Turkmenistan will soon be the 3rd largest gas exporter in the 
world.  This is not a prize the Chinese will simply hand over to the US 
capitalists in the interests of "equal development" but will require the 
"strength of those participating" in the redivision of this region.

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