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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.U.S. destruction of Korea during Korean War beyond human imagination
  Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- Foreigners are unanimous in saying that
"we have never seen such a magnificent city with so many monumental edifices
anywhere in the world" while enjoying a bird's-eye view of Pyongyang from
the balcony atop the tower of the Juche idea standing on the bank of the
River Taedong. It is quite natural for them to say so.
48 years ago, however, Pyongyang was severely destroyed during the war
as was the case with all other places in the country.
During their temporary occupation of Pyongyang the U.S. imperialist
aggressors blew up or burned industrial and cultural establishments and
other buildings in the city.
Pyongyang had a population of 420,000 at the time the war broke out. the
U.S. imperialists dropped more than 428,700 bombs over the city.
UN forces commander Clark and other brasshats who directly commanded
their battles in Korea orchestrated a "scorched earth operation" and
"strangulation operation," bluffing they would erase North Korea from the
In the period from June to the end of October 1950 alone a total of
50,000 planes made sorties, destroying everything in rural and mountanious
areas, to say nothing of those in urban areas.
During the three-year long Korean war the U.S. dropped more than 564,400
tons of bombs and over 32,300 tons of napalm bombs over North Korea, 18
bombs per square km.
More than 8,700 factories and enterprises, over 5,000 schools, at least
1,000 hospitals and clinics and more than 260 cultural establishments were
completely destroyed during the war. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of
arable lands were rendered unfit for cultivation and many irrigation
facilities and river embankments destroyed.
The U.S. barbarous destruction baffled human imagination.
Cuban woman lawyer Candelaria Rodriguez Hernandez who witnessed GIs'
mass killings and destruction in spring 1951 said that Korea was literally
reduced to debris and a heap of ashes, adding that even land lost its shape
as it was severely destroyed by all kinds of bullets and splinters.


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