
The Irish Independent
April 23, 2002

US wins campaign to remove 'independent' UN arms chief
-The US called the special session of the OPCW to
force him out, and was supported by all European Union
and Nato countries, with most of Eastern Europe and
several former Soviet states. 

JOSE BUSTANI, the embattled director-general of the
world body monitoring chemical weapons, was dismissed
yesterday after member states supported a US move to
oust him. 

Forty-eight of the 145 members of the Organisation for
the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) voted to
dismiss Mr Bustani, the first head of the
organisation, who was re-elected for a further four
years last May. 

Only seven countries supported him; 43 abstained.

A two-day meeting in The Hague heard accusations
against him by the US, although its delegate was booed
when he failed to produce promised evidence. 

After the vote a devastated Mr Bustani stormed out of
the conference hall.

The Americans accused the Brazilian head of the OPCW
of a "habit of refusing to consult with member states"
and cited his proposed new anti-terrorism measures
after September 11 which were not first cleared with
the US.

The State Department called his management disastrous
and blamed him for not resigning after losing a
confidence vote last month.

Mr Bustani gave an impassioned defence of his tenure.
He called the US accusations false and said that the
meeting would decide "whether genuine multiculturalism
will survive, or whether it will be replaced by
unilateralism in a multilateral disguise".

"I refuse to resign under pressure from a handful of
member states," he said.

The US called the special session of the OPCW to force
him out, and was supported by all European Union and
Nato countries, with most of Eastern Europe and
several former Soviet states. 

America co-sponsored Mr Bustani for re-election, but
the change of administration in Washington led to a
swift reappraisal. 

Mr Bustani said he was blamed for seeking Iraq's
membership of the Chemical Weapons Convention, even
though that was in accord with the UN Security Council

Several EU countries said privately they feared that
unless they voted with the US, which pays more than a
fifth of the budget, it would walk out of the UN body.

(The Times, London)

Michael Binyon

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