
Thursday May 2, 12:41 PM 
US says Colombian military meets human rights
standards, frees aid
The United States has certified the Colombian military
was complying with human rights requirements and
released more than 60 million dollars in assistance
for the country's armed forces, the State Department
However, spokesman Richard Boucher said the United
States remained deeply concerned about the human
rights climate in Colombia and would continue to press
the government to do more in the area.
Secretary of State Colin Powell Tuesday determined the
Colombian military was cooperating with civilian
authorities in prosecuting soldiers who commit human
rights abuses and moving to end collusion with
right-wing paramilitaries, Boucher said.
"Secretary Powell determined and certified to the
appropriate congressional committees that the Colombia
armed forces are meeting the statutory criteria
related to human rights and ties to paramilitary
groups," he told reporters.
"The secretary's determination was based on a thorough
and careful evaluation of the conditions in that
section and the relevant actions and policies of the
Colombian military," Boucher said.
He stressed that the review process was not intended
to be an overview of the human rights situation in the
entire country and elaborated on the continuing US
"Despite some real progress on these specific areas,
both we and the government of Colombia recognize the
protection of human rights in Colombia needs
improvement," Boucher said.
"A secure, prosperous and democratic Colombia cannot
be achieved if human rights abuses and impunity for
human rights abusers is allowed," he said.
However, human rights groups slammed the US decision,
stating that Colombia had failed to make the
improvements recommended by US officials.
"The State Department's decision was made despite
abundant evidence demonstrating that little progress
had been made in improving Colombia's dire human
rights record," said Amnesty International, Human
Rights Watch and the Washington Office on Latin
America in a statement.
"Despite the suspension of some low-ranking officers,
the Colombian armed forces have refused to act on
notorious cases such as that of General Rodrigo
Quinones," the three said.
Conceding that "some progress" may have been made in
military cooperation with civilian prosecutors and
judicial authorities, the groups criticized Colombia's
Attorney General's office for firing human rights
prosecutors, and accused it of obstructing
investigations of high-ranking armed forces members.
Under US law, the release of 60 percent of the 104
million dollars allocated for assistance to the
Colombian military could not be made until the State
Department certified that Colombia's military was
meeting requirements.
The remaining 40 percent cannot be released until a
second certification, due by June 1 at the earliest,
is completed.
A number of US-funded drug-eradication programs
conducted by the Colombian military in the south of
the country were suspended while the certification
process was underway, a senior State Department
official said.
The official said the second certification was to
ensure that efforts to punish human rights violators
and clamp down on collusion with the paramilitaries
were "ongoing and progressive."
The military has so far met three specific
requirements, according to Wednesday's decision,
suspending soldiers who commit abuses or have links to
the paramilitaries, and transferring cases to civilian
authorities as well as cooperating with prosecutions.
It has also severed command-level ties between
officers and the paramilitaries, according to
The official gave details backing up the
certification, which lawmakers had demanded due to
grave concerns about the conduct of the Colombian
military -- faced with threats from two major
left-wing insurgencies and the right-wing
Colombia has been embroiled in civil war for nearly
four decades, at a cost of more than 200,000 lives and
President George W. Bush has decided to expand
existing US anti-drug programs in the country to
include elements of counter-insurgency training.

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