
A Former Boy King's Big Vision for Bulgaria 
By Nora Boustany

Washington Post
Friday, April 26, 2002; Page A24 

Elegant and remarkably regal despite a four-day
Washington whirlwind of politicking and meetings,
Bulgaria's former boy king and present prime minister,
Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, said the most notable change
he has witnessed since his return from exile has been
the country's painful transition to a market economy.
He has been struck, he said, by the spirit of
entrepreneurship of his fellow Bulgarians, whom he has
pledged to lead out of the economic doldrums of the
postcommunist era.

Exiled by the communists at the age of 9 in 1946,
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha went on to become a successful
banker and investor; he lived in Spain until 1996.

With a pressing mandate to prepare his country for
integration into the world community by joining NATO
and the European Union, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, at 64, is
now putting his worldliness, savvy Western ways and
business acumen to work for Bulgaria -- and working
full tilt. The World Bank is currently funding nine
projects worth $350 million there and is proposing a
lending program of as much as $750 million -- a plan
that will go to a vote at the meeting of bank
directors May 9.

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha sleeps only five hours a night after
putting in marathon days that rarely end before 10:30
p.m., according to Gen. Nikola Kolev, deputy chief of
the general staff of the Bulgarian armed forces, who
accompanied the prime minister along with Justice
Minister Anton Stankov and Stanimir Ilchev, chairman
of the Foreign Policy, Defense and Security Committee
in Bulgaria's National Assembly.

Crowned at age 6 in 1943 after his father's sudden
death, Simeon II, as he is also known, fled Bulgaria
three years later for Egypt, where he lived for four
years before going on to study at Valley Forge
Military Academy in Pennsylvania, among other places.
He breaks into flawless, Egyptian-accented Arabic to
prove his fluency.

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's favorite recollection of a visit
in the early 1960s to Chicago, where about 50,000
Bulgarian Americans reside, is an encounter with the
late mayor, Richard J. Daley (father of the current
mayor), who was impressed when the young exile noted
that the Windy City was known for its old churches.
"Well, I'll be darned," was Daley's response, he
recalled. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, slim and slightly
bearded, is still amused by the description of him in
the Chicago Tribune then as a "somewhat deflated
version of actor Peter Ustinov," an insight that both
men got to check out firsthand much later when they
met, he said with a chuckle.

Last April, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha formed a small political
party, which went on to a landslide victory in
elections in June. He wishes to be addressed as "Mr.
Prime Minister," he specified when asked Tuesday
evening. Earlier in the day, over breakfast with
journalists at the Hay-Adams, he did not rule out a
possible restoration of the monarchy -- not by decree,
but only if the electorate so decided at a later

"In the final analysis, it is a matter of great pride
to me that I have not simply been czar of Bulgaria,
but have been prime minister, elected by a substantial
majority of the Bulgarian people. That, at least, can
never be taken away," Saxe-Coburg-Gotha said.

On Monday he pressed the right buttons during a speech
at the Heritage Foundation when he said that including
Bulgaria in a robust NATO, along with other "qualified
aspirants, will contribute to the victory in the war
against terrorism." He underlined his countrymen's
recent peacekeeping contributions in the Balkans,
stressing that further NATO enlargement to the south
would make European borders more secure.

He took his case for Bulgarian membership in NATO to
the White House on Tuesday at a meeting with President
Bush, as well as to legislators on Capitol Hill.

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