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A Long, Tough Job

By Wesley K. Clark

America is indeed at war. The attacks in New York and Washington have
raised the dangers posed by international terrorism to a new level. But
despite the awful familiarity of the devastation in New York and
Washington, an effective U.S. response is likely to be something new and

For the United States, the weapons of this war should be information,
law enforcement and, on rare occasions, active military forces. The
coalition that will form around the United States and its NATO allies
should agree on its intent but not trumpet its plans. No vast military
deployments should be anticipated. But urgent measures should be taken
behind the scenes, because the populations and economic structures of
Western nations will be at risk.

And the American public will have to grasp and appreciate a new approach
to warfare. Our objective should be neither revenge nor retaliation,
though we will achieve both. Rather, we must systematically target and
destroy the complex, interlocking network of international terrorism.
The aim should be to attack not buildings and facilities but the people
who have masterminded, coordinated, supported and executed these and
other terrorist attacks.

I can hear some warning us to narrow our objectives because the task
before us is so difficult, warning that there may be failures and
actions that can never be acknowledged. But now all must accept at face
value the terrorists' unwavering hostility to the United States and what
we stand for. There is no room for half-measures in our response.

Our methods should rely first on domestic and international law, and the
support and active participation of our friends and allies around the
globe. Evidence must be collected, networks uncovered and a faceless
threat given shape and identity.

In some cases, astute police work will win the day, here and abroad. In
other cases, international intelligence collaboration may be necessary.
Special military forces may be called on to operate in states that are
uncooperative or simply unable to control their own territory. In
exceptional cases, targets will be developed that may be handled by
conventional military strikes.

But in the main, this will be arduous, detailed and often covert work to
track, detain or otherwise engage and "take down" our adversaries,
rolling them up cell by cell and headquarters by headquarters.

These terrorist networks may well have state sponsorship. And here, more
intense, visible action involving not only strikes but also substantial
ground action may be required to gain the surrender of hostile
governments or the end of their support for terrorists. But we should
not underestimate the overpowering impact of an aroused and determined
America and its allies in forcing preemptive changes in previously
uncooperative states.

Some will call for full disclosure and near-legal standards of evidence
before acting. Others will arm a hair trigger, seeking to use the most
readily available information, even if scant. But we must not pose
legality and expediency as opposite extremes. To be expedient, we must
act within the bounds of international law and consistent with consensus
among the allied coalition that is emerging. And maintaining this
consensus will be one of the prime challenges we face.

A second key challenge is to recognize that we are in an action-reaction
struggle with a capable and competent adversary. Almost certainly there
are other gambits in preparation to be used against us. When they are
unable to hide, terrorists may be even more willing to strike. More
horrifying scenarios than Tuesday's are easily imaginable.

We must strengthen our protective measures at airports, at utilities and
other public service facilities such as communications networks, and
prepare necessary public health and disease control capabilities for the
possibility of nuclear and biological events. And if we are successful
in preventing further attacks, another challenge will be to maintain our

If these attacks were the second Pearl Harbor, then it is also true that
it will likely take more than a second Doolittle raid to win this war.
Months and years may be required. But we should remember that awful
sight in downtown Manhattan and at the Pentagon the morning of Sept. 11,
and resolve that it shall never, ever happen again. And we should renew
our resolve during every inconvenience we suffer at an airport and every
additional impediment to our activities.

For a decade the United States has periodically declared that its top
priority, or one of its top priorities, is to protect our people against
international terrorism. In hindsight, it is clear that a
well-intentioned defense wasn't enough. This is a problem that now
requires more active measures and a commitment to eliminate terrorism as
a threat. And doing so requires an old concept, "decisive force," but
defined and used in a new kind of war.

- The writer is former supreme allied commander in Europe and the author
of "Waging Modern War."

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