
More night flying seen in future Philippine-US military exercises

Xinhuanet 2002-07-08 17:13:11

  MANILA, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said on Monday that the future Philippine-US joint military exercises will have a heavy dose of night flying and other capabilities that will enhance the expertise of the military.

  In her speech during the celebration of the 55th anniversary ofthe Philippine Air Force (PAF) in a Manila suburb, Arroyo also stressed that the coming exercises, coded Balikatan, will come back to Luzon island in the north.

  She, however, admitted that there will be still a small component of the exercises in the island province of Sulu in the south, known as a major lair of the Abu Sayyaf kidnap-for-ransom group allegedly linked to the al-Qaeda international terror network.

  A large part of this year's Balikatan exercises, she said, willbe concentrated on maintenance training and other measures that will ensure the safety of Filipino pilots. Several aircraft accidents during the previous exercises have claimed the lives of the pilots.

  Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff General Roy Cimatu said earlier that the next formal joint exercise will startin October.

  Arroyo also stressed the need for reliable air surveillance equipment as highlighted during the previous Balikatan exercises. Arroyo instructed Cimatu to make sure that the allocation of the 10-million-US-dollar military assistance released by the US government will include electronic eyesight equipment.

  About 1,000 U.S. soldiers are currently deployed in the southern Philippines training local forces in jungle warfare and counter-terrorism skills in the southern Philippines. Small-scale joint counter-terrorist exercises will be conducted in the south after the ongoing exercise officially ends on July 31. Enditem


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