
Senior US official to visit Turkey on Iraq

Xinhuanet 2002-07-13 07:25:50

   WASHINGTON, July 12 (Xinhuanet) -- US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz will visit Turkey next week to discuss how to deal with Iraq, agencies reports said Friday.

  Wolfowitz, a strong advocate for military actions against Iraq,is expected to meet with Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit and other Turkish political and military leaders.

  A US State Department official and the top US military commander in the region will also join the No. 2 man in the Pentagon to have talks with Turkish political and military officials, reports said.

  Turkey, a NATO ally of the United States, has been providing major bases for US and British fighter jets to patrol the no-fly zones imposed on Iraq by Washington and its allies.

  The Turkish trip by Wolfowitz and other US officials was significant in the context of increasing anti-Iraq rhetorics from Washington over the past week.

  The Bush administration, accusing Baghdad of developing weaponsof mass destruction. has repeatedly said that it is seeking a regime change in Iraq.

  US media recently disclosed that the US military had worked outa preliminary plan to launch a massive military strike designed totopple the Iraqi government led by President Saddam Hussein. Enditem

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