Just a little more on the issue below, when I swapped the tree
grammars that were provoking the  "Can't set single child to a list"
error from pattern matching mode (filter = true) to complete grammars
(filter = false) the tree rewrites run successfully.

I'd still be interested to hear if issue ANTLR-419 is known to be
current problem.


On 2 February 2011 11:42, Michael Bedward <michael.bedw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I hope it's ok to ask about ANTLR Jira issues on this list.
> I've been using pattern matching for some simple tree rewriting tasks.
> Most work, but for some of them I keep hitting the error "Can't set
> single child to a list". I've spent quite a bit of time in the
> debugger without success.
> Google found this issue for version 3.2 which appears to be related
> and still open (which I assume means not fixed in version 3.3)...
> http://www.antlr.org/jira/browse/ANTLR-419
> Before I spend more time debugging, I wonder if anyone can tell me if
> this is indeed a current bug. If so I can probably work around it by
> going back to rewriting using a complete grammar.
> cheers
> Michael

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