
On Tue, 2011-03-29 at 00:47 -0600, Fabien Hermenier wrote:
> Hi
> I starting to use ANTLR3 with AntlrWorks 3.4.1 on OS X and I have some 
> issues with spaces. I've attached a sample antlr file describing my 
> grammar (see 1st grammar)
> I'm trying to test 'litteralRange'. So using the interpreter, I write 
> "[2 ..3]" or "[2 .. 3]" as input and it works fine. However, if I give 
> the string "[2..3]" it does not
> work. I have followed the tutorial and declare the Lexer WS with the 
> channel hidden to ignore spaces, but I still have strange issues with this.
> Another strange fact is that if I write a reduced grammar that just 
> isolate the rule I want to test, it is fine (see 2nd grammar).
> Does anyone have a solution or a hint ?
....good stuff snipped....

see Jim Idle's WIKI entry:

(the above url is supposed to be all on 1 line without white space)

Hope this helps...


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