On 9/7/11 7:36 PM, "Jim Idle" <j...@temporal-wave.com> wrote:

Hi Jim,

> You remember that this is all open source, freely given right?

Of course I do :-)

And I have read sources of ANTLR 3.4, be sure.
Btw, my congratulations and respect. Very high quality code.

> Generally,
> don't try and mix C++ things in with the C. Exceptions are almost
> certainly not want you want for error reporting while parsing anyway.

> As I said earlier, copy the existing routine and adapt it. It does as many
> things as it can to show you how to access the information. I can't
> provide a universal error message handler as there is no way to know what
> information your particular parser will have available or how you want the
> messages to look and so on. All your customer error handler need do is
> call a C++ object that you provide and that object can collect the errors
> so that you can print them out at the end etc. The source code is right
> there and well commented :)

Ahhaa,  I hope I have to hear you ...
I will try say it now by own words to double check.

* so we must implement own dsiplayError() -- this is clear.

* we must NOT throw here any C++ exception.
    Instead, we must just build some Err String and put it
    e.g. Into our own Stack of such error strings

* then we do 

   AST         =  parser->entryRule()
   MyNodes = treePareser->entryRule()

Zero exceptions here
Then we just do

    if( errCount > 0 )
         stop  job
         somehow report errors to user
         for example

        point ZZZ:
         throw  myException(  ErrStack->getErrors() ;)

Sounds right?
Thank you, Jim for points.

Well, only one more question come to mind.  :-)

I have read that ANTLR3-C self build LIST OF exception objects.
Is this true?

If yes, then may be this is not needed? I mean override displayError()

>> All your customer error handler need do is
>> call a C++ object that you provide and that object can collect the errors
>> so that you can print them out at the end etc.

And we can "convert" that list into exception at point ZZZ in the above

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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