Hi Jim,

So I have debug debug and have found that

1) Generated Parser contains ctx->adaptor, which contains one more
tokenFactory. And for this factory NEVER is called reset().

I have add call reset() for now in the method of generated parser.
This have made things better, but still I see at least two players...

So next player is:

2) This adaptor also has more deeply hidden factory of trees.
And it is called a lots for nilNode().

And this factory 
    typedef    struct ANTLR3_ARBORETUM_struct

Although is very similar to
    typedef    struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_FACTORY_struct

In work with pools, it do NOT have reset() function.

So I think I will try add reset() method to this struct,
And call it from generated parser reset() method as following

static void
SqlParser_v3ParserReset (pSqlParser_v3Parser ctx)
    // RZ added this to see if this fixes grow of RAM.
    ADAPTOR->tokenFactory->reset( ADAPTOR->tokenFactory );

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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