Re: [AOLSERVER] Compression

2008-04-13 Thread 'Jesus' Jeff Rogers

Don Baccus wrote:

On Apr 12, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Brett Schwarz wrote:

For *my* application, I would have the config params do the decision 
almost all of the time. However, I concede that other people's use 
cases may be I think a hook into the compression 
decision making from application code is a good idea. I believe what I 
proposed covers the bases...although the details would need to be 
worked out...

I agree with this, too.

Tying in with a different thread, my suggestion for an improvement would 
be to ship AOLserver should with (or alongside) a standard/sample 
library that is intended to be looked at and tweaked (the standard 
library that ships currently is boilerplate).  This standard library 
could include a filter proc to call 'ns_conn gzip 1' (or however it is 
exposed at the tcl level) based on the config file setting.

Another thing to include in this standard library could be compatibility 
code for the old thread configuration directives mapping them onto the 
new 4.5 thread configuration commands.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] aolserver focus

2007-08-08 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers

Daniƫl Mantione wrote:

Ok, practical example:

We have a server, two users want to run OpenACS, and 20 users simply 
wants to code PHP/MySQL. Proposal to the system administrator: Put pound 
on Port 80 and have requests for the two OpenACS users redirected to their 
own AOLserver process.

Now, everyone on the server will see all requests coming from localhost. 
Big chance is the PHP/MySQL users won't like that and put the argument

"just use what everyone else uses" in place against the OpenACS users.

Lots of proxies support adding in additional http headers to indicate 
that it is a proxied request.  In certain environments (firewalled 
corporate paranoia) you can't avoid everything being proxied and must 
deal with this.  And more to the point, there are simple ways (about 4 
lines of code in a PerlFixupHandler) to recover the proxied connection 
address from such an added-in header if people are really upset about it.

Or as an alternate answer: use apache itself as the proxy.  The poor 
saps who subject themselves to PHP will be happy and the OACS users can 
have a real system to work with.

Obnoxious alternate answer 2: tell the php users, "sorry, there's people 
doing real work on this system."  :)

Bottom line is, there's no reason why they can't coexist peacefully.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Tcl interpreter bloating

2006-09-29 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers

John Buckman wrote:

Right restarting is not something I like to doing, because most of the 
time when I ctrl-c aolserver, it exists uncleanly with one of these errors:

Would it work any better/more reliably to have aolserver exit itself, by 
calling ns_shutdown and hopefully allowing any registered shutdown 
handlers to run and current requests to complete?  Maybe even run the 
server under inittab or daemontools and set up a scheduled job that 
checks how much memory it is using and shutting down if it is over some 
threshold, so the server becomes a little more self-managing.


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[AOLSERVER] perl [was: Re: Advice for writing a ruby-aolserver module]

2006-05-22 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers

Mark Aufflick wrote:

A smart idea that Vlad gave me is to use nsproxy as a base module,
which apparently already fires up a pool of tcl interpreters in
seperate processes. It might be a good model for our non-thread safe
friends like Ruby and Perl.

Perl can be thread-safe, if you jump through the right hoops 
(-DMULTIPLICITY and maybe another define).  I did some work on making 
the tclperl package thread-safe with the main intent of making it work 
in aolserver, and got pretty good results.  If there was a DBD interface 
to the Ns_Db functions that would make aolserver a *schweet* environment 
for perl apps since there is no database pooling on apache.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Something wrong after 2006-05-12 21:25 (was Re: Weird "memory leak" problem in AOLserver 3.4.2/3.x)

2006-05-19 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers

Stan Kaufman wrote:

Which coincidentally is the expiry time (MaxOpen and MaxIdle) set on 
my database connections. My system is ACS-derived, so I wouldn't be 
surprised if these database settings are common in other ACS-derived 

What do you think is the reason that not all systems encounter this 1B 
second issue? The passage of time is the one factor inevitably shared by 
every system running aolserver, yet not every system barfs in the same 
fashion. Why?

Simple, because it's a config file setting, not anything to do with the 
underlying system.  If your config file has


(which I think was done to work around some ancient bug in an ancient 
version of the nsoracle driver) then you get the problem.  If your 
timeouts are more reasonable or 0 to explicitly specify never timeout,

then no problem.

It took me longer than it should have to track down this problem, since 
it was happenning immediately after the database connections were 
started, and other servers with no database connections (like the 
keepalive server) had no problems;  we of course thought there was some 
database issue but didn't think about looking at the settings or that 
the unix daemon dogging your heels for removing that comment would stop 
so soon (obscure humor there...)

I imagine on Linux it manifests differently; on Solaris I got the EINVAL 
return from pthread_cond_timedwait (of course it isn't documented that 
this can mean a bad time, it usually means a bad pointer) but on linux 
with a different pthreads implementation it could result in locking up 
or just never returning (which presumably would result in all timed 
events after it in the queue which us sorted by time getting blocked and 
not running, as others reported.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Something wrong after 2006-05-12 21:25 (was Re: Weird "memory leak" problem in AOLserver 3.4.2/3.x)

2006-05-19 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers
I fixed it by simply changing my MaxOpen/MaxIdle settings to "0" which 
is interpreted as "forever" which is probably what the original "one 
BILLION seconds" was undoubtedly intended to be.

It probably wouldn't hurt for Ns_AdjTime (in nsthread/time.c) to check 
for negative seconds and have it fail in a nicer manner, but that 
problem won't affect anyone for years :)


Janine Sisk wrote:

On May 19, 2006, at 1:04 PM, 'Jesus' Jeff Rogers wrote:

The only bug is that Ns_CondTimedWait doesn't do any wraparound on the 
time parameter.  All the same, I've been enjoying telling people that 
I hit my first y2038 bug.

So are you saying you've fixed it, or just that you've narrowed it down 
to this?  If you've fixed it, do tell! :)


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Weird "memory leak" problem in AOLserver 3.4.2/3.x

2006-05-19 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers

dhogaza@PACIFIER.COM wrote:

I have three servers running identical installations of
AOLserver/3.3.1+ad13.  On two (development and production, very low and
relatively low traffic volumes respectively) all scheduled procs have
stopped firing.

My God, it sounds to me like you're all being bit by the Y2.006K problem! :)
That answer is closer than you think (at least if everyone is having the 
same problem I was) ... actually it's Y2.038K


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Something wrong after 2006-05-12 21:25 (was Re: Weird "memory leak" problem in AOLserver 3.4.2/3.x)

2006-05-19 Thread &#x27;Jesus&#x27; Jeff Rogers
I had problems starting at the exact same time but on Solaris, where 
they manifested as a EINVAL return from pthread_cond_tomedwait.  After a 
day of tracing the problem with debug builds and working with my 
sysadmin to track what changed (of course, nothing had)  I cam to the 
same 1 billion second issue.

Which coincidentally is the expiry time (MaxOpen and MaxIdle) set on my 
database connections.  

My system is ACS-derived, so I wouldn't be surprised if these database 
settings are common in other ACS-derived systems.

The only bug is that Ns_CondTimedWait doesn't do any wraparound on the 
time parameter.  All the same, I've been enjoying telling people that I 
hit my first y2038 bug.


Bas Scheffers wrote:

On 17 May 2006, at 21:34, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

Dave Siktberg seems to have narrowed it down to 2006-05-12 21:25.
In what timezone? It sound like that could equate to "Sat May 13 
02:27:28 BST 2006", or 1147483648 seconds since epoch, which makes it 
*exactly* 1,000,000,000 seconds until expiry of 32 bit time. 
Coincidence? Seems too strange as to a computer that is not a nice 
round number.

I wonder what Dan Brown would have to say about it! :)


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