akosut      96/12/01 00:31:25

  Modified:    htdocs/manual/mod  directives.html mod_browser.html
  Enhance mod_browser documentation.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +2 -0      apache/htdocs/manual/mod/directives.html
  Index: directives.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/mod/directives.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -C3 -r1.4 -r1.5
  *** directives.html   1996/12/01 06:57:35     1.4
  --- directives.html   1996/12/01 08:31:23     1.5
  *** 39,44 ****
  --- 39,46 ----
    <li><A HREF="core.html#authname">AuthName</A>
    <li><A HREF="core.html#authtype">AuthType</A>
    <li><A HREF="core.html#bindaddress">BindAdress</A>
  + <li><A HREF="mod_browser.html#browsermatch">BrowserMatch</A>
  + <li><A HREF="mod_browser.html#browsermatchnocase">BrowserMatchNoCase</A>
    <li><A HREF="mod_proxy.html#cachedefaultexpire">CacheDefaultExpire</A>
    <li><A HREF="mod_proxy.html#cachegcinterval">CacheGcInterval</A>
    <li><A HREF="mod_proxy.html#cachelastmodfied">CacheLastModified</A>
  1.3       +52 -28    apache/htdocs/manual/mod/mod_browser.html
  Index: mod_browser.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/mod/mod_browser.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -C3 -r1.2 -r1.3
  *** mod_browser.html  1996/11/26 06:03:47     1.2
  --- mod_browser.html  1996/12/01 08:31:23     1.3
  *** 9,54 ****
    <H1>Apache module mod_browser</h1>
    This module is contained in the <code>mod_browser.c</code> file, and
  ! is compiled in by default. It provides for setting various variables
  ! based on the User-Agent header passed to the server.<P>
  ! <li><A HREF="#bm">BrowserMatch</A>
  ! <li><A HREF="#bmnocase">BrowserMatchNoCase</A>
  ! <A NAME="bm"><H2>BrowserMatch</H2></A>
  ! <STRONG>Syntax:</STRONG> BrowserMatch <EM>User-Agent Regex</EM> 
  ! <STRONG>Context:</STRONG> server config, virtual host<BR>
  ! <STRONG>Status:</STRONG> Base<BR>
  ! <STRONG>Module:</STRONG> mod_browser<BR>
  ! <STRONG>Compatibility:</STRONG> BrowserMatch is only available in
  ! Apache 1.2 and later.<P>
  ! If the user-agent passed by the browser matches the regex passed to
  ! browsermatch, th variable is set.<P>
  ! <A NAME="bmnocase"><H2>BrowserMatchNoCase</H2></A>
  ! <STRONG>Syntax:</STRONG> BrowserMatchNoCase <EM>User-Agent Regex</EM> 
  ! <STRONG>Context:</STRONG> server config, virtual host<BR>
  ! <STRONG>Status:</STRONG> Base<BR>
  ! <STRONG>Module:</STRONG> mod_browser<BR>
  ! <STRONG>Compatibility:</STRONG> BrowserMatchNoCase is only available in
  ! Apache 1.2 and later.<P>
  - Same as BrowserMatch, but the matching is not case-sensitive.
  - <P>
    <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
  --- 9,78 ----
    <H1>Apache module mod_browser</h1>
    This module is contained in the <code>mod_browser.c</code> file, and
  ! is compiled in by default. It provides for
  ! setting environment variables based on the browser.
  ! <p>This module allows you to set environment variables based on the name of
  ! the browser accessing your document, based on the <code>User-Agent</code>
  ! header field. This is especially useful when combined with a conditional
  ! HTML language such as <a href="mod_include.html">XSSI</a> or PHP, and
  ! can provide for simple browser-based negotiation of HTML features.</p>
  ! <li><A HREF="#browsermatch">BrowserMatch</A>
  ! <li><A HREF="#browsermatchnocase">BrowserMatchNoCase</A>
  ! <A name="browsermatch"><h2>BrowserMatch</h2></A>
  ! <strong>Sytnax:</strong> BrowserMatch <em>regex attr1 attr2...</em><br>
  ! <strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
  ! <strong>Status:</strong> base<br>
  ! <strong>Module:</strong> mod_browser<p>
  ! The BrowserMatch directive defines environment variables based on the
  ! User-Agent
  ! header. The first argument should be a POSIX.2 extended regular
  ! expression (similar to an egrep-style regex). The rest of the arguments
  ! give names of variables to set. These take the form of either
  ! "<code>varname</code>", "<code>!varname</code> or
  ! "<code>varname=value</code>". In the first form, the value will be set
  ! to "1". The second will remove the given variable if already defined,
  ! and the third will set the variable to the value given by 
<code>value</code>. If a User-Agent
  ! string matches more than one entry, they will
  ! be merged. Entries are processed in the order they appear, and later
  ! entries can override earlier ones.
  ! <p>For example:</p>
  ! <pre>
  !     BrowserMatch ^Mozilla forms jpeg=yes browser=netscape
  !     BrowserMatch "^Mozilla/[2-3]" tables agif frames javascript
  !     BrowserMatch MSIE !javascript
  ! </pre>
  ! <p><A name="browsermatchnocase"><h2>BrowserMatchNoCase</h2></A>
  ! <strong>Sytnax:</strong> BrowserMatchNoCase <em>regex attr1 
  ! <strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
  ! <strong>Status:</strong> base<br>
  ! <strong>Module:</strong> mod_browser
  ! <p>The <code>BrowserMatchNoCase</code> directive is semantically identical 
  !    the <a href="#browsermatch"><code>BrowserMatch</code></a>
  !    directive. However, it provides for case-insensitive matching. For
  !    example:</p>
  ! <pre>
  !     BrowserMatchNoCase mac platform=macintosh
  !     BrowserMatchNoCase win platform=windows
  ! </pre>
  + <p>
    <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->

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