
I am sorry this information isn't already on the site (I presume here we write 
about ApacheCon NA?). You may be aware that we (The Open Bastion) are new to 
the Apache world, and we are working hard to make sure that we can assist 
everyone who deserves to come to ApacheCon.

Bottom line: I now anticipate being able to fund free *registration* for 
speakers, and three nights' accommodation shared with one other person, in the 
case where a speaker's employer is unable or unwilling to support them.

We would prefer to offer this support rather to ensure that the best speakers 
and the most relevant content are present at ApacheCon NA.

I hope this reply is helpful, and that we can elaborate the details on the web 
site soon.


On Nov 7, 2012, at 10:25 PM, Charles Moulliard wrote:

> Hi,
> I just would like to know if Apache foundation can expense traveling and
> Hotel
> fees
> fees for speakers for which talks have been accepted and where their
> company will not support the fees of Apache conference ?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Charles Moulliard
> Apache Committer / Sr. Enterprise Architect (RedHat)
> Twitter : @cmoulliard | Blog :

Steve Holden,  Holden Web, LLC
Python classes (and much more) through the web
Conferences and technical event management at
Next: Helping with ApacheCon EU (community edition)

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