Hi Peter,

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 09:57:25AM +0100, Peter Eberlein wrote:
> Hi,
> first thanks to Ariel who simplified the system mail stuff.
> But this seems not suitable for html body. 

It depends on the MUA implementation, but in general you can assume the
string is a plain text body.

> So I tried:
> 'a selection in the textdocument must be done before
> xTransferable = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getTransferable()
> dataflavors = xTransferable.getTransferDataFlavors()
> data = dataflavors(2)'html
> transferData = xtransferable.getTransferData(data)
> xMessage = 
> com.sun.star.mail.MailMessage.create(Array("t...@test.com"),Array("t...@test.com"),"Subject",
> xTransferable )
> But this fails. Any ideas why? I think the xTransferable isn't the
> correct type, because it supports other mimetypes too.

Yes, this fails because the implementation only takes into account the
first data flavour, see
"The body of the mail message. It is expected that the transferable
delivers the data as a string. Although a transferable may support
multiple data flavors only the first data flavor supplied will be used
to retrieve the data and it is expected that the data will be provided
as a string."

You can find some examples on
http://people.apache.org/~arielch/api/MailApiTest.zip (they might look
a little overcomplicated, because I used them to test some bug fixes).

Pay attention to MAIN.Test_Html_Body and
Body.MailBody_CreateFromCurrentDocument, the last one creates a UNO
listener depending on the mime type (plain text or HTML); then
HTMLTextBodyFromCurrentDoc_getTransferData calls
__GetTransferDataFromCurrentDocument to do the job:

- export the current document to HTML
- read the HTML document as a string (this has a big limitation in
  Basic, where strings are implemented internally with an old class that
  has a 64k limit for the string's content).

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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