On 10/12/2014 21:09, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
On 10 Dec2014, at 15:01, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Note that FOSDEM talks have a requirement to be technical. ...
Right; but at the same time, there are other options besides talks

Sure. This only holds for talks in devrooms, as I just confirmed with the organizers (but again, the call I mentioned is about talks for the Open Document Editors devroom, deadline today).

and, besides, there are groups on licensing and metrics

Talks about licensing can be submitted to the dedicated devroom (again, confirmed with organizers).

… and just saw that Simon echoed my point re Bitergia.

It a separate event the day before FOSDEM. It's not part of FOSDEM, it has nothing to do with talks in the Open Documents Editors devroom.

Good idea, btw, to look at what is already accepted rather
than accept defeat before any venture, no?

Whatever way you want to see it, I can only confirm that talks in the Open Documents Editors devroom have to be technical and follow the guidelines in https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/call_for_talks_open_document ; I find non-technical talks equally interesting (I gave two non-technical talks myself during ApacheCon), but they are not for this devroom. Obviously, I'm very open to both technical and non-technical discussions at any moment during FOSDEM; these guidelines must be respected for the devroom talks since these are the house rules, but for the rest we'll be free to discuss everything!


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