A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 17, number 1) has been posted on the web. To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:1, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (spring weather and fruit development, dormant and delayed-dormant oil sprays, peach rootstocks) Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (Central Illinois Sustainable Farming Network workshops, MarketMaker newsletter) Fruit Production and Pest Management (vineyard cropload balance, caring for new trees before planting, general guidelines for using degree-day models)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (sweet potato varieties for Illinois)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs
* Grape Growers Workshop, April 2, 2011. Pittsfield Community Center, Pittsfield, IL. * <http://www.cisfn.org/>Central Illinois Sustainable Farming Network field days and workshops include Propagating High Yields: How Producing Transplants On Farm Bring Higher Yields In Hoop Houses and in the Field, April 2, 2011, 9:30-noon (registration starting at 9:00 am), PrairiErth Farm, 2047 2100 Road, Atlanta, Illinois, Growing Small Fruit and Developing Value-Added Products, April 16, 2011, 1:30-3:30 pm (registration starting at 1:00 pm), Teresa's Aronia Acres, 1566 CR 400 N, Congerville, and Teresa's Fruits and Herbs, Eureka, Illinois, and Equipment for Small Farmers, May 21, 2011, 1:00-3:30 pm (registration starting at 12:30 pm), <http://www.thespencefarm.com/>Spence Farm, 2959 N 2100 E, Fairbury, Illinois. * Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Workshop, April 7, 2011. Kankakee County Extension Office. * SW Illinois Orchard Twilight Meeting, April 14, 2011. Backwoods Berry Farm (Dale & Becky Conrady), 27244 Hettick Scottville Road, Hettick, IL. * Grape Growers Workshop, May 14, 2011. Lazy L Grape Ranch, near Mechanicsburg, IL. * SW Illinois Orchard Twilight Meeting, May 19, 2011. Broom Orchard, located 2.3 miles south of Carlinville/IL-108 on the Alton Road/Shipman Road.
Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  
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