To the membership:
I have seen more cork spots symptoms on Honeycrisp during the last two years 
than I have seen it at any other time or on any other variety.  I will be very 
grateful if you can help me  determine the extent of the problem in other areas 
by answering the following questions: Please do not post your answers to the 
group.. Send it to my e.mail address below and I will send a summary to the 
group without names.

1.      How many sprays of boron have you applied this season?

2.      What was the boron rate and when did you apply it? Before petal fall, 
at petal fall, one week after petal fall, two weeks after petal fall.

3.      How many sprays of calcium have you applied this season? what was the 
rate and when did you apply the first calcium spray?

4.      What is  your soil pH if you know it?

5.      Have you run leaf analysis this season? What were the boron and calcium 

6.      What percent of your crop do you estimate have cork spots?

Thank you for your help..

Sincerely, Mosbah

Mosbah M. Kushad
Horticulture Postharvest Physiologist
1109 Plant Sciences Laboratory
1201 South Dorner Drive
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone (217)244-5691

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