A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 21, number 7) has 
been posted.  To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 21:7, use the following link:

The contents of the current issue are summarized below.  After we posted and 
mailed this issue, I received the following information from Dr. Mohammad 
Babadoost regarding downy mildew of basil, so I'm pasting it into this message 

Downy mildew of basil Illinois
On August 10, I observed and confirmed downy mildew of basil in our research 
plots in Champaign, Illinois. I expect downy mildew on basil will develop 
throughout the state. Thus, fungicide treatment for control of this disease on 
green basils is essential.  Downy mildew of basil, caused by Peronospora 
belbahrii, occurred first in Illinois in 2009. Since then the disease has 
developed on basils every year.  P. belbahrii infects leaves, rapidly develops 
and spreads, and can cause total crop loss.  Since 2009, we have evaluated the 
efficacy of fungicides for control of basil downy mildew every year.  The 
results of our trials show that the disease can be effectively controlled by 
weekly applications of the following fungicides: Quadris, Revus, and Ranman.  
These fungicides have different modes of action and all three are registered 
for use on basils.  For additional information, contact Mohammad Babadoost by 
email at (babad...@illinois.edu<mailto:babad...@illinois.edu>).
In This Issue:

Upcoming Programs<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#upcoming> (listings 
for beginning and established growers)

Regional Reports<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#reports> (from 
southern and western Illinois)

Fruit Production and Pest 
Management<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#fruit> (notes on insects 
and mites, flower and fruit drop)

Vegetable Production and Pest 
Management<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#vegetable> (downy mildew 
of cucurbits, notes on insects and mites, weed management update)

Local Foods Issues<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#local> (winter 
2016 webinar series; GAPs webinars)

University of Illinois Extension educators and specialists in fruit and 
vegetable production and pest 

Rick Weinzierl

Professor and Extension Entomologist
SARE PDP Program Coordinator
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois

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